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Build IoT Applications in the Cloud on fast-track with AWS IoT: AWS IoT using Seeeduno Cloud and Groove IoT kit Overview

AWS IoT is a managed cloud platform that enables you to connect IoT devices to AWS Services and other devices and provides a secure data access and interactions to process and act upon device data in both offline and online states.

AWS IoT can connect billions of devices and send trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints and to other devices in a reliable and secure manner. With AWS IoT, your applications can communicate with all your devices, all the time. AWS IoT makes it super easy to use AWS services such as DynamoDB, RDS, Lambda, Kinesis, S3, and Machine Learning, o build IoT applications that gather, process, analyze and act on data generated by connected devices completely in the cloud.

Components of AWS IOT

AWS IoT Device SDK

AWS IoT Device Software Development Kit enables your devices to connect, authenticate, and exchange messages with AWS IoT using the HTTP/MQTT protocols. The SDK supports C, JavaScript, and Arduino.

Device Gateway

All connected devices communicate to the Device Gateway – HTTP or MQTT Protocol

  • Highly Fault Tolerant Protocol for intermittent connectivity
  • Light footprint
  • Low n/w bandwidth requirement
  • Exchange messages using a publication/subscription model
  • One-to-one and one-to-many communications (Broadcast)
  • Support over a billion devices without provisioning infrastructure

Authentication and Authorization

  • Connectivity over TLS (Transport Layer Security successor to SSL) TLS Certificates are easily created
  • Supports the AWS method of authentication (called ‘SigV4’) as well as X.509 certificate based authentication.
  • Connections using HTTP can use either of these methods, while connections using MQTT use certificate based authentication.
  • Those device certificates can be provisioned, activated and associated with the relevant policies that are configured using AWS IAM.


  • Establishes an identity for devices and tracks metadata such as the devices’ attributes and capabilities.
  • Assigns a unique identity to each device that is consistently formatted regardless of the type of device or how it connects.
  • Does not expire as long as you access or update your registry entry at least once every 7 years

Device Shadows

  • Creates a persistent, virtual version, or “shadow,” of each device that includes the device’s latest state.
  • The Device Shadows persist the last reported state and desired future state of each device even when the device is offline.
  • Device Shadows make it easier to build applications that interact with your devices by providing always available REST APIs.
  • Device Shadows let you store the state of your devices for up to a year for free.

Rules Engine

  • The Rules Engine makes it possible to build IoT applications that gather, process, analyze and act on data generated by connected devices at global scale without having to manage any infrastructure.
  • The Rules Engine evaluates inbound messages published into AWS IoT and transforms and delivers them to another device or a cloud service, based on business rules you define.
  • The Rules Engine can also route messages to AWS endpoints including AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, Amazon Machine Learning, and Amazon DynamoDB. External endpoints can be reached using AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).
  • You can create your own rules within the management console or write rules using a SQL-like syntax. Rules can be authored to behave differently depending upon the content of the message.
  • Rule Engine provides dozens of available functions that can be used to transform your data, and it’s possible to create infinitely more via AWS Lambda.

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