Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Pragmatic 3-2-1 Launch!

 What is Pragmatic’s New “3-2-1 Launch” ?
It is a complete ERP, CRM and HRM solution which can be implemented in organizations, within 30 days!. Ready made solutions for organisations from Warehousing, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Retail, Consumer Goods, Information services,
Business Services, Real Estate and IT Industries.

Why did Pragmatic come up with this idea?
Our Marketing experts found that there are very few resources in the market with expertise in building automated applications for companies in all streams. Combined ERP, CRM and HRM packages at cost effective budget which can be delivered, customised and implemented within a stipulated time frame are rare. As there was a desperate need in the current scenario of resource management, Pragmatic took the lead in building a 1 stop complete solution for every company who needs a ERP,CRM & HRM in a cost effective budget.

What about Customization & Localisation?
Pragmatic has a varied experience & technology expertise in customizing & localizing solutions Globally. We have expertise in Open ERP and Business Intelligence solutions. We have not only been customizing and implementing our Open ERP & Mobile Applications for our Global clients, but also training our clients for smooth operations and trouble shooting.

How is Pragmatic Planning to Market it, do you give a Demo/look n feel?
We are happy with the proactive pre launch enquiries our marketing experts are getting.

Initially we promote our demo over a webinar, one on one/group through our technical experts. We have a proven track record that once we have a requirement, we make a practically cost effective budget for our prospects and put in our best to make the project a big success for our clients.

We will launch our portal which will host our solutions in ERP, CRM, HRM. You can access these packages and neatly download and implement the solution of your choice.

What other technologies do you have expertise in ?
We have expertise in the following: mobile apps, web development, BI & Open ERP and deal with Magento, Ruby on Rails, Python, Joomla, Jasper soft, Talend, Micro strategy, Pentaho.

This range of expertise enables us to provide end to end technology assistance & support to our clients. We are software vendors to companies worldwide and have been privileged to have very long term relationship with 90% of our customers.

How can I attend the 3,2,1 Launch webinar?
Click on the link
just drop an email to our organizers at,
Skype: addy.k1


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