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Streamlining business operations in 2024 with Odoo 18’s new Python framework features

Odoo 18 Python framework

Entrepreneurs are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline operations and stay ahead of the competition. 

Efficient management systems are no longer a luxury but a necessity for sustainable growth. Imagine having an ERP system that not only automates your processes but also adapts seamlessly to your unique business needs, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. Exciting, isn’t it? 

Let’s explore how the latest enhancements in Odoo’s Python framework are set to revolutionize business operations in 2024.


Odoo, a leader in open-source ERP solutions, has made significant strides in updating its Python framework to better serve businesses. These enhancements focus on improving performance, optimizing processes and providing a more robust platform for developers and users alike.


  • Performance Optimization : Faster processing and reduced system load.
  • Improved Developer Experience : Simplified coding practices and better tools.
  • Enhanced User Functionality : More intuitive features for end-users.


The ORM is a core component of Odoo’s framework, responsible for handling database interactions. The latest updates bring several improvements :

Object Relation Mapping

1. Optimized Flushing Mechanism

What is flushing?

Flushing is the process of synchronizing in-memory changes with the database before executing SQL queries. It ensures data consistency and integrity.

Enhancements Made

  • Intelligent Field Flushing : The system now identifies and flushes only the fields that impact the SQL query result.
  • Reduced Database Operations : By avoiding unnecessary flushes, the system reduces overhead.


  • Improved Performance : Faster query execution.
  • Efficient Resource Utilization : Less strain on database resources.

2. Introduction of the field_to_sql Method


The field_to_sql method converts fields into SQL expressions, enabling more complex and dynamic queries.

Key Features

  • Handling Non-Stored Related Fields : Allows these fields to be used in SQL computations directly.
  • Enhanced Query Capabilities : Supports grouping, aggregation and ordering by non-stored related fields.


  • Faster Data Retrieval : Optimized queries lead to quicker access to information.
  • Dynamic Reporting : More flexible data analysis options.

3. Improved Batch Processing for Updates

Previous Challenges

  • Inefficient Batching : Updates were batched by fields and values, leading to multiple small database operations.
  • Performance Bottlenecks : Large transactions could slow down the system.

Enhancements Made

  • Batching by Fields : Updates are now batched based on the fields being updated, regardless of the values.
  • Larger, Efficient Transactions : Fewer, more substantial database operations.


  • Reduced Transaction Time : Faster updates to the database.
  • Better System Performance : Minimizes lag during heavy operations.

4. Streamlined Cron Jobs for Enhanced Efficiency

Cron jobs automate scheduled tasks within Odoo. The latest updates address some common issues :

  1. Automatic Error Detection and Deactivation


  • Undetected Failures : Cron jobs could fail silently, consuming resources without completing tasks.
  • Resource Wastage : Failed jobs could slow down the system.

Enhancements Made

  • Failure Tracking : The system monitors cron jobs for repeated failures.
  • Automatic Deactivation : Jobs that fail consistently are deactivated.
  • Administrator Notifications : Alerts are sent to admins for intervention.


  • Optimized Resource Usage : Prevents wasted computing power.
  • Improved System Stability : Reduces the risk of system slowdowns due to failing jobs.
  • Proactive Maintenance : Allows for timely troubleshooting.

b. Progressive Task Processing with notify_progress


  • Timeout Issues : Large tasks could exceed execution time limits.
  • Incomplete Processes : Tasks might not finish, leading to inconsistent data.

Enhancements Made

  • Incremental Processing : Tasks are broken into smaller batches.
  • Progress Updates : The notify_progress method informs the system of completed portions.
  • Looped Execution : The system re-invokes the cron job until the task is complete or a maximum number of attempts is reached.


  • Avoids Timeouts : Smaller batches process within allowed time frames.
  • Ensures Task Completion : Increases the likelihood that tasks finish successfully.
  • Better System Performance : Reduces the load on the system during heavy operations.

5. API Changes for Simplified Development and Enhanced Security

a. Unified Access Rights Checking with check_access

Previous Approach

  • Separate methods : check_access_rights and check_access_rule.

Enhancements Made

  • Single Method : Combined into check_access for both permissions and rule checks.
  • Simplified Codebase : Easier for developers to implement and maintain.


  • Improved Security : Ensures consistent access control.
  • Ease of Development : Reduces complexity in code.

b. Deprecation of name_search

Previous Approach

  • name_search Method : Used for searching records by name, but had limitations.

Enhancements Made

  • Use of display_name Field : Searches now utilize the display_name field directly.
  • Domain-Based Searching : Returns domains that can be combined with other search criteria.


  • Enhanced Search Performance : Faster and more efficient queries.
  • Better Integration : Simplifies combining searches with other domains.

c. Improved Translation Function _


  • Limited Functionality : The translation function _ didn’t work in certain contexts, like controllers or list comprehensions.

Enhancements Made

  • Expanded Compatibility : _ now functions correctly in controllers and comprehensions.
  • Consistent Translations : Ensures all parts of the application can be accurately translated.


  • User Experience : Provides consistent language support throughout the application.
  • Global Reach : Facilitates better internationalization.


Enhanced Performance and Scalability

  • Faster Operations : Optimizations lead to quicker processing times.
  • Scalable Solutions : Efficient handling of larger datasets supports business growth.

Reduced Operational Costs

  • Resource Efficiency : Less strain on systems reduces energy consumption.
  • Cost Savings : Lower operational expenses free up budget for other initiatives.

Improved Reliability and Stability

  • Proactive Error Handling : Automatic detection of issues prevents system failures.
  • Consistent Performance : Regular updates and maintenance keep the system running smoothly.

Better User Experience

  • Intuitive Features : Simplified search and access controls enhance usability.
  • Global Accessibility : Improved translation support makes the system more accessible to a diverse workforce.

At Pragmatic Techsoft, we are experts in leveraging Odoo’s capabilities to empower businesses. Our comprehensive services ensure you get the most out of these new enhancements.

Our Expertise Includes :

  • Implementation : Seamless integration of Odoo into your existing infrastructure.
  • Migration : Transitioning from older systems or versions without data loss.
  • Customization : Tailoring Odoo’s features to meet your specific business needs.
  • Deployment : Efficient rollout across your organization.
  • Support and Training : Ongoing assistance and education for your team.

With a deep understanding of both the technical and functional aspects of Odoo, we help businesses unlock their full potential.


Step to odoo Enhancement

1. Assess Your Current Systems

  • Identify Pain Points : Look for areas where performance can be improved.
  • Evaluate Compatibility : Ensure your infrastructure supports the new features.

2. Plan the Upgrade

  • Consult with Experts : Engage with professionals like Pragmatic Techsoft for guidance.
  • Develop a Strategy : Create a roadmap for implementation.

3. Implement and Customize

  • Leverage New Features : Utilize enhancements that align with your goals.
  • Customize Solutions : Adapt the system to your workflows.

4. Train Your Team

  • Provide Training Sessions : Ensure users are comfortable with new functionalities.
  • Encourage Feedback : Use input to refine processes.

5. Monitor and Optimize

  • Track Performance Metrics : Measure the impact of the enhancements.
  • Continuous Improvement : Regularly update and optimize the system.

The latest enhancements in Odoo’s Python framework represent a significant leap forward in ERP solutions. By optimizing performance, simplifying development, and enhancing user experience, these updates provide businesses with powerful tools to streamline operations.

Connect with Pragmatic Techsoft today to discover how Odoo’s latest features can be tailored to your needs.

 To know more on Odoo 18 and its updates, touch base with our team on a one-on-one consultation call.

Stay tuned to our website and blogs for more insights on Odoo 18 and beyond. 

Together, let’s shape the future of business efficiency!


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