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Beyonce Adams

Advanced Printscreen for Odoo 8(Printing Report Analysis)

Printscreen has been and is an attractive feature of Odoo which enables the user to take the printout of the tree view of the selected records.

We have a new module which enables users to take the printout of the selected records in the tree view. After installing the module, a new dropdown will be available in the header of each tree view. No configuration is required, jut installing the module is enough.

The main features of this module are:

  • Ability to export view in both PDF as well as in Excel.
  • Ability to export analytic views in to PDF and Excel including group totals.
  • Hierarchical view of the groups.

The module can be installed as a normal Odoo module. The only python dependency that is need for the module is python-xlwt which is needed to export to xls file. This can be installed using the comment “sudo apt-get install python-xlwt” for Ubuntu. After installing the module, you can see two anchor buttons called “Export to PDF” and “Export to Excel” on the right side of the OpenERP web client as shown

These buttons will only appear if the active view is a tree view. This button wont be visible in any of the other view types. When the button “Export to PDF” is clicked, the report will be exported to PDF or if “Export to Excel”, the report will be printed in “Excel”. The heading and the totals will be printed in Bold. A sample screenshot of the excel and PDF report is shown below:

The module also allows to print analytic reports in to CSV of excel. The screenshot below shows an analytic view:

You can also print Graph View as PDF format which will be more useful for analysis part

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