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Beyonce Adams

Geo Fencing in Odoo

Using Geo-Fencing API of Google, a module named google_map_fencing is built in Odoo 9 which stores the locations in warehouses by defining a region. It identifies whether a particular pin (location pointed on google map) falls in the defined region or not. Just click on the map over a specific area and you will get a fence over that region, which is defined by a polygon on the google map and can be updated just by dragging the polygon points. The region can be saved per location according to the address and can be viewed or changed as you want. Following are the screen shots related to google map fencing:

  • 1. Consider a google map of a particular region
  • 2. Click around a region example Pune, to get a fence around it. This way you can define a region. The white dots indicate the polygon points, by dragging which you can expand the region
  • 3. Save the changes to again view the defined region on map.
  • 4. Once the fencing is done, drop of pin at any location gets you to know whether that pin falls in the fence or out of it.
  • 5. Option to reset is also provided to clear all the changes
  • 6. Geo-Fencing in Odoo can be used for storing warehouse or contact locations in case of multiple warehouses
  • 7. Easy to implement and understand.

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