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In what ways can Odoo support the European Auto Industry’s shift to a hybrid business model?

The European auto industry is undergoing a significant transformation. 

Driven by a confluence of factors like stricter emission regulations, growing consumer demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and the rise of online car buying platforms, traditional business models are being challenged. 

In this dynamic landscape, European car manufacturers and dealerships are embracing a hybrid approach that merges physical showrooms with robust digital experiences. 

This blog post will explore how Odoo, a powerful open-source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, can empower European auto players in their transition to a hybrid business model.


Luca de Meo, CEO of the Renault Group, recently outlined a vision for a thriving European auto industry in an open letter to political leaders [Source]. 

He emphasized the need for a “hybrid model” that leverages the strengths of both physical and digital channels. This aligns perfectly with the current trends in European auto sales. 

According to a report by McKinsey & Company, online channels are expected to influence over 80% of European car sales by 2  2030, with omnichannel experiences becoming the norm.

Here’s where Odoo steps in.


Odoo offers a comprehensive suite of integrated business applications that can be tailored to the specific needs of the European auto industry. From managing sales and inventory to streamlining after-sales service and fostering customer relationships, Odoo empowers dealerships and manufacturers to excel in the hybrid business landscape.

Let’s delve deeper into how Odoo’s functionalities can address key challenges faced by European car dealerships in 2024 :

1) Omnichannel Customer Engagement

Odoo’s built-in website builder and e-commerce platform enable dealerships to create a seamless online presence. Customers can browse car listings, compare features and even initiate the purchase process online. Integration with marketing automation tools fosters targeted campaigns and personalized communication across channels.

2) Unified Sales Management

Odoo streamlines the entire sales process, from lead generation and opportunity management to quotation creation and order processing.  Dealerships can manage both online and offline leads effectively, ensuring a smooth customer journey regardless of the touchpoint.

3) Streamlined After-Sales Services

Odoo’s after-sales service module empowers dealerships to manage service bookings, track inventory of spare parts and schedule maintenance appointments. Integrations with workshop management tools allow for efficient service execution, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4) Inventory Management in Real-Time

Odoo provides real-time visibility into vehicle inventory across dealerships and warehouses. This enables dealerships to optimize stock levels, reduce carrying costs and ensure timely delivery of vehicles to customers.

5) Data-Driven Decision Making

Odoo’s powerful reporting and analytics tools provide dealerships with valuable insights into sales performance, customer behavior and marketing effectiveness. This data can be leveraged to make informed decisions and optimize operations for the hybrid business model.

Here’s an example of how a Pragmatic Techsoft Odoo implementation can benefit a European car dealership.

Imagine a customer in Berlin researching a new electric vehicle online. Through the dealership’s Odoo-powered website, they can browse available models, compare specifications and even book a virtual test drive. 

The customer then visits the physical showroom for a personalized experience and finalizes the purchase process through Odoo’s integrated sales module. 

Post-purchase, the customer can schedule service appointments and track their vehicle’s maintenance history conveniently through the Odoo customer portal.

The European auto industry is at a crossroads. By embracing a hybrid business model that leverages the power of digital technologies, car manufacturers and dealerships can navigate this transformation and thrive in the years to come. Odoo, with its comprehensive suite of functionalities and proven track record in the automotive sector, is a valuable partner in this journey.

Pragmatic Techsoft is a leading Odoo implementation partner with a proven track record of success in the automotive industry. Our team of Odoo experts possesses in-depth knowledge of the specific challenges faced by European car dealerships and manufacturers. We can help you configure Odoo to meet your unique requirements and ensure a seamless transition to a hybrid business model.

Stay tuned to our website and blogs for more insights on how Odoo 17 can empower your European auto business.

Connect with our team today to discuss your specific requirements and learn how Pragmatic Techsoft can help you implement a successful Odoo solution for your dealership or manufacturing unit.


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