Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP 7- School Management

We are very please to announce that our School Management Module is now available in OpenERP version 7

Following are a few key features of the School Management System
A) Configuration
1. Creating Academic years and months


a) Adding Driver Information

b) Adding Vehicle Information
c) Adding Point Information

a) Adding Classes in School

b) Adding Divisions to School
c) Adding Medium of Education
4. Creating record for subjects taught in school and the classes to which those subjects are taught.
      This will contain all sub-menus regarding Fee Information.
 a) Fees Structure
      We can define all fees structure for all cource a school offer.
b) Fees Hand
    Fees Heads are included in Fees Structure. 
      These will contain Sub-Menu regarding books information.
a) Configure Languages
      Records to maintain the languages in which books will be kept in the library are created 
b) Book Return Days
     Days on which books can be returned are created here
c) Price Category
     Price category for books is defined here.
d)Card details
     Card details are maintained for the student as well as the teacher
B) Schools
     Creating a school record
C) Admission
     The student details are added here.
     Student record.
     Record showing assignments assigned to students
E) Teachers
     Creating teacher’s record.
F) Parent.
     Creating a parent record
G) Library.
     This help to manage books ie book is issued , when returned, fine should be imposed or not etc.
H) Exam
a) A record showing exam created
b) Exam Result Record
I) Additional exams
     Additional exams can also be created . Record showing additional exam
J) Events
     This helps to keep information of all the events that take place in the school
a) Creating an event record
b) Event registration Record
K) Transport
     This helps to keep track of the transport details of the Student
a) Transport Information
     record for adding all the details relating to transport

b) Transport Registration
     Record for registering students for transport facility
L) Attendance
a) Record for adding daily attendance
b)Record for creating Monthly attendance
M) Fees
a) Fees Receipt
     Record to create a fees receipt
b) Record to create a fees register.
N) Time Table
     Record to create a time table

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