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Beyonce Adams

Ruby on Rails Fedena School Management System

To get started with fedena school erp management system i done the following steps 

1. First need to ruby 1.8.7 because the rails version was used as 2.3.5
2. Just to save your time from running an app. i got some errors because of version of 2.3.5. so i Changed it to version 2.3.11. and then downgrade my system gems to 1.3.5. then run the rake db:migrate . and after that feed a tables with rake db:seed.
3. Then run the rails server . 

Now i am attaching the screenshots of the application so that we will get a basic idea of the application.

My first screenshot will be of manageusers
Where i can find the users with just type a letter in text box.

My second screenshot will be of users dashboard.
As you can see from where you can manage attendance, human resource,admissions etc.
My third screenshot will be of creation of Course with batches.
My fourth screenshot will be of admission. 
Where an user can take an admission. 
My fifth screenshot will be of attendance  
My sixth screenshot will be of settings 
And my last but not least screenshot is of eventcalendar. 
Also it has lots of features. some are free and some are paid. 
I personellay like the way its organised the view pages with ajax stype. and an layout used. also the coding is really good because in any of the controller there is no unwanted line of code. 


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