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5 image optimization tips to boost your Odoo ecommerce website speed

 A one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% drop in conversions! {source}

That’s a significant chunk of potential customers lost simply because your Odoo ecommerce website is sluggish!

As a leading Odoo solutions provider, Pragmatic Techsoft has a deep understanding of Odoo’s latest features, we’ve helped numerous businesses overcome website speed hurdles. And you know what one of the biggest culprits behind slow loading times is? Unoptimized images!

High-quality visuals are essential for showcasing your products and enticing customers. But those beautiful product shots can come at a cost – a heavy file size cost that can significantly slow down your website. 

In this blog, we’ll share 5 powerful image optimization tips specifically designed to boost your Odoo ecommerce website speed in 2024 and beyond!


Before diving into the nitty-gritty of image optimization, let’s revisit why it’s so crucial for your Odoo ecommerce website :

1) Reduced page load times : Optimized images can significantly decrease the time it takes for your website to load. This is a no-brainer – faster loading times lead to happier customers (and more sales!).

2) Enhanced user experience : Nobody likes waiting for a website to load, especially when they’re eager to browse your amazing products. By optimizing images, you create a smoother, more enjoyable user experience that keeps visitors engaged.

3) Improved search engine rankings :  Search engines like Google favor websites with fast loading times. This means that optimizing your images can actually boost your search engine ranking, driving more organic traffic to your store.

Now that we’ve established the “why” behind image optimization, let’s explore the “how” with our top 5 tips –

1. Choose the right image format for the job

The image format you choose plays a significant role in file size and website speed. Here’s a quick rundown of the most common formats and when to use them –

  • JPEG : Your go-to format for photos. JPEG offers a good balance between quality and file size, making it ideal for product images.
  • PNG : Perfect for graphics with sharp lines and text, like logos or infographics. PNG also supports transparent backgrounds, which can be handy for product presentations.
  • WebP : The new kid on the block, WebP offers superior compression compared to JPEG, resulting in significantly smaller file sizes while maintaining comparable image quality. Odoo 17 fully supports WebP images, so take advantage of this powerful format!

Pro Tip : While WebP offers excellent advantages, some older browsers might not support it. Consider using a combination of WebP and a fallback format like JPEG to ensure all users experience your website optimally.

2. Resize before you upload

Imagine trying to squeeze a king-size mattress into a twin bed frame. That’s essentially what happens when you upload massive images and rely on Odoo to scale them down. Don’t waste precious bandwidth! Here’s how to ensure your images fit perfectly –

  • Use a free online image editing tool like Canva or GIMP to resize your images before uploading them to your Odoo store.
  • Odoo allows you to set specific image sizes for different product views (list, detail page, etc.). Take advantage of this feature to ensure your images are always displayed at the optimal size.

3. Leverage compression tools 

Image compression reduces the file size of an image without significantly affecting its visual quality. While Odoo 17 automatically compresses uploaded images to some extent, you can often achieve even better results with dedicated compression tools. Here are a few popular options to consider :

  • TinyPNG -This free tool allows you to compress multiple images at once while maintaining a high level of quality.
  • ShortPixel – This freemium service offers various compression levels, allowing you to find the perfect balance between quality and file size.

Remember: Always test compressed images before uploading them to your Odoo store to ensure they retain acceptable visual quality. A little compression goes a long way, but you don’t want your product photos to look like they went through a bad filter on a social media app! Here’s the key : find a balance between file size and visual fidelity.

4. Power of Caching

Odoo boasts powerful caching functionalities that can significantly improve website speed. By caching frequently accessed resources like images, Odoo reduces the need for the server to retrieve them from the database on every page load. Think of it like having a readily available stock of your most popular products, ready to be shipped out to customers lightning fast!

Here’s how to leverage Odoo’s caching to optimize your image delivery –

  • In Odoo 17, navigate to Website > Settings > General Settings.
  • Under the “Performance” tab, enable options like “Cache Images” and “Minify HTML”.

Remember : Caching is a balancing act. While it improves performance, excessively large caches can become outdated and negatively impact user experience. Regularly clear your Odoo website’s cache to ensure optimal performance.

5. Consider a content delivery network (CDN)

For geographically dispersed customers, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can be a game-changer. A CDN stores copies of your website’s static content (including images) on servers around the world. This ensures that images load quickly for users regardless of their location. Imagine having local warehouses for your products, so customers worldwide can receive them quickly!

Here’s the benefit of using a CDN :

  • By serving images from geographically closer servers, CDNs significantly reduce load times for users, especially those located far from your primary server.

While not essential for every Odoo store, a CDN can be a valuable investment for businesses with a global customer base.

We understand that optimizing your Odoo ecommerce website for speed can feel like a complex task. 

At Pragmatic Techsoft, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Our team of Odoo experts possesses a deep understanding of Odoo 17’s functionalities and the latest image optimization techniques.

Whether you need assistance with :

  • Implementing the tips outlined in this blog
  • Developing a comprehensive image optimization strategy
  • Customizing your Odoo store for optimal performance

We’re here to guide you.

Stay tuned to our website and blogs for more insights on Odoo and how it can help your business thrive in the ever-evolving world of ecommerce. 

If you have any questions or would like to connect with our team regarding image optimization or other Odoo-related needs, please feel free to reach out to us. 

We’re always happy to chat!


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