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Beyonce Adams

Can Odoo 17’s New Document Management Features Streamline Regulatory Submission Processes in the Medical Device Industry?

The medical gadget business is always coming up with new ideas, but with new ideas come a lot of complicated rules and forms to fill out and send in.

Odoo 17 shines a light of hope for businesses that are facing these problems. Odoo 17 could change the way the medical device industry handles paperwork for regulatory applications because it is a powerful corporate resource planning tool.

Imagine a world where medical paperwork is easy to find your way around because of how efficient business process management software is. Odoo 17 looks like it will be that guide.

Stock handling for small businesses will be less of a chore and more of a strategic tool after this release. Let’s take a closer look at Odoo 17 and see how it can help the medical device business make regulatory applications more efficient.


  • Keeping Up with Versions

Odoo 17’s document management system is a powerhouse that keeps track of all your document revisions. This feature is crucial for medical device companies that need to ensure regulators see only the most current documentation.

  • Securing Sensitive Information

Security is paramount in Odoo 17. The system protects your documents with encryption, allows you to set who can see and edit documents and keeps logs of all activity, which is essential for sensitive medical device documents.

  • Collaborative Document Handling

Odoo 17 breaks down the silos between departments, facilitating a shared space for document collaboration—vital for the cross-functional input required in regulatory submissions.


Odoo 17 simplifies the regulatory submission process for the medical device industry in several crucial ways.

Step 1 : Document Preparation : Efficient document preparation is the first step in a streamlined regulatory submission process. Odoo 17’s templates and centralized storage speed up the creation and compilation of submission packets.

Step 2 : Review and Collaboration : With Odoo 17, review cycles are smoother as teams from engineering to quality assurance can concurrently review and update documents, reducing the time for feedback loops.

Step 3 : Approval and Compliance Checks : The approval process becomes less cumbersome with automated workflows. Odoo 17 can ensure that all necessary approvals are in place and compliance checks are completed before submission.

Step 4 : Submission Assembly : Odoo 17 helps assemble the submission packet, ensuring all documents are accurate, up-to-date, and formatted according to regulatory guidelines.

Step 5 : Submission Tracking : After submission, keep track of the review stages and any additional information requests from regulatory bodies directly within Odoo 17.


  • Engineering Team

Use Odoo 17 to manage design documentation, product specifications and change controls. The improved traceability and version control ensure that every design change is documented and retrievable for submissions.

  • Quality Assurance Team

Odoo 17 helps quality assurance with workflow management for test plans, results, and compliance reporting, integrating quality checks into the document lifecycle.

  • Regulatory Affairs Team

For regulatory affairs, Odoo 17 is a single source of truth for managing submission documentation, including clinical evaluations, risk assessments and regulatory correspondence.


Pragmatic Techsoft stands out in the Odoo ecosystem for its expertise in upgrading and tailoring Odoo systems for compliance-heavy industries. Our successful track record with medical device companies demonstrates our ability to make regulatory submissions as smooth and pain-free as possible.

Odoo and Manufacturing Excellence

Our bespoke Odoo manufacturing module is designed to enhance production efficiency, with integrated tools for planning, quality control and comprehensive inventory management, ensuring that your operations are aligned with industry best practices.

Join us for ongoing insights into maximizing Odoo 17 for your business needs.

With Odoo 17, you’re not just adopting new software; you’re upgrading your approach to compliance in the medical device sector.


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