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Frustrated with Long Wait Times? How Can Odoo 17 PoS’s Self-Ordering System Improve Customer Experience?

Long wait times at restaurants can quickly turn a pleasant dining experience into a frustrating one. According to a National Restaurant Association report, 60% of customers say waiting too long for service is a major turnoff. This can lead to negative reviews, lost business, and a damaged reputation.

But what if there was a way to streamline your restaurant’s operations, reduce wait times, and improve customer experience all at once? 

Odoo 17 PoS’s revolutionary self-ordering system – a powerful tool that empowers your customers to take control of their dining experience.

At Pragmatic Techsoft, Odoo specialists with extensive experience in implementation and customization from 16+years, we’re passionate about helping restaurants thrive in the competitive landscape. 


1) Reducing wait times : Customers can browse menus, customize orders, and even pay their bills directly from their smartphones using a QR code displayed on each table. This eliminates the need to wait for a server to take their order, freeing up staff for other tasks and ensuring a smoother dining experience.

2) Enhancing customer experience: Self-ordering empowers customers to take control of their experience. They can browse menus at their own pace, personalize orders with specific instructions (like “extra pickles, hold the mayo”) and even split bills electronically – all without flagging down a server. This fosters a sense of convenience and autonomy, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

3) Boosting operational efficiency : With self-ordering, servers are no longer bogged down taking orders. This frees them up to focus on other crucial tasks like table management, food delivery and providing exceptional customer service. This translates to increased staff productivity and a more streamlined operation.

4) Encouraging upselling and cross-selling : Odoo 17 PoS’s self-ordering interface allows you to strategically display high-margin items, combo meals and recommended add-ons. Customers browsing the digital menu at their leisure are more likely to notice these suggestions, potentially leading to increased revenue.

How Odoo 17 PoS Makes Self-Ordering a Breeze

Getting started with self-ordering in Odoo 17 PoS is easier than you think! 

Here’s a breakdown of the process :

Installation :

  1. Prerequisites : Ensure you have a functioning Odoo 17 instance with the Point of Sale (PoS) module installed.
  2. Module Activation : Within your Odoo 17 admin panel, navigate to Apps > Modules and locate the “PoS Self-Ordering” module. Click “Install” to activate this functionality.


  1. Access PoS Settings : From your Odoo 17 dashboard, navigate to the “Point of Sale” app. Within the PoS configuration menu, locate the “Settings” tab.
  2. Enable Self-Ordering : Under the Settings tab, find the “Self-Ordering” option and toggle it to “Enabled”.
  3. Customize Digital Menu : Odoo 17 PoS allows you to tailor the look and feel of your digital menu. You can customize elements like product images, descriptions, pricing and category organization. Ensure your menu is clear, concise and visually appealing for a seamless customer experience.

QR Code Generation 

  1. Access PoS Configuration : Navigate back to the PoS “Settings” tab as mentioned earlier.
  2. Generate QR Codes : Locate the “QR Code Menu” section within the settings. Click the “Print QR Code” button. This will generate a unique QR code for each table in your restaurant. You can choose to print these codes directly or download them for placement on table tents or signage.

Customer Experience 

  1. Scanning the QR Code : When customers arrive at your restaurant, they can use their smartphone camera to scan the QR code displayed on their table. This will launch the digital menu interface directly on their device.
  2. Browsing & Ordering : Customers can browse your menu at their own pace, add items to their cart and personalize orders with special instructions. The Odoo 17 PoS interface is user-friendly and intuitive, ensuring a smooth ordering process.
  3. Payment & Bill Splitting : Odoo 17 PoS goes a step further by offering seamless bill splitting functionalities. During checkout, customers can easily divide the bill amongst themselves directly within the interface. This is ideal for groups dining together, eliminating the need to manually calculate individual portions or awkwardly flag down a server to split the check.

With Odoo 17 PoS’s self-ordering system, your restaurant can cater to the evolving needs of today’s tech-savvy customers.  They can enjoy a more convenient, personalized, and efficient dining experience, all while boosting your restaurant’s operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Beyond reducing wait times, Odoo 17 PoS’s self-ordering system offers a multitude of benefits for your customers, fostering a more enjoyable and personalized dining experience.

  1. Convenience and Control : Customers can browse menus, order at their own pace, and customize orders with ease. This eliminates the pressure of waiting for a server and allows for a more relaxed dining experience.
  2. Dietary Accommodations : Self-ordering empowers customers with food allergies or dietary restrictions to easily navigate the menu and make informed choices. Special instructions can be clearly added to each item, ensuring their dietary needs are met.
  3. Faster Service : By eliminating the wait for order taking, self-ordering allows customers to receive their food more quickly. This is particularly appealing to customers on a tight schedule or with impatient children.
  4. Reduced Order Errors : With self-ordering, customers directly enter their selections, minimizing the chance of miscommunication between server and kitchen. This translates to fewer order errors and a higher level of satisfaction.
  5. Transparency and Accuracy : The digital menu displays clear descriptions and pricing for all items. Customers can easily review their order details before checkout, ensuring accuracy and avoiding any surprises at the bill.
  6. Multiple Payment Options : Odoo 17 PoS integrates with various payment gateways, allowing customers to choose their preferred payment method for a secure and convenient checkout experience.Once an order is complete, customers can securely pay directly through the self-ordering interface using their credit card, debit card, or even digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay.

At Pragmatic Techsoft, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in the competitive restaurant industry.  Our team of Odoo specialists can help you implement and configure the self-ordering system within your existing Odoo 17 PoS setup. We also provide ongoing support and training to ensure your staff is comfortable using this innovative feature.

Ready to transform your restaurant and elevate the customer experience?  

Contact Pragmatic Techsoft today to discuss how Odoo 17 PoS’s self-ordering system can streamline your operations and boost your bottom line.


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