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Beyonce Adams

Is Incorrect Part Usage Slowing Down Your Assembly Line? Learn How Odoo 17’s Advanced Part Recognition System Boosts Accuracy

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In the competitive world of manufacturing, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. One key challenge is incorrect part usage on assembly lines, leading to increased costs, reduced quality, delayed shipments and customer dissatisfaction. 

Odoo 17 introduces a game-changing solution: an advanced part recognition system designed to combat these issues.


  • Increased Production Costs : Manual identification systems are prone to errors, escalating production costs.
  • Reduced Product Quality : Errors in part usage directly impact the quality of final products.
  • Delayed Shipments : Incorrect part usage often results in shipment delays, impacting customer satisfaction.
  • Employee Stress : Manual systems increase the stress and burden on employees.


Odoo 17’s system revolutionizes part identification through a database of unique identifiers for each part, ensuring accurate tracking throughout the manufacturing process.


  • Database of Parts: Each part in the manufacturing process is assigned a unique identifier.
  • Scanning and Verification : Parts are scanned when picked for assembly, and Odoo 17 verifies the correctness of the part.
  • Error Prevention : The system alerts operators if an incorrect part is picked, preventing usage errors.


1) Reduced Production Costs  : By minimizing errors, production costs are significantly lowered.
2) Improved Product Quality : Accurate part usage ensures higher quality products.
3) On-Time Shipments : Efficiency in part usage translates to timely shipments.
4) Increased Employee Morale : Reducing manual identification reduces stress and increases job satisfaction.

Consider this example!

A case study of a large manufacturing company shows how implementing Odoo 17’s system led to a 10% reduction in production costs, 5% improvement in product quality and a 15% increase in on-time shipments.

Pragmatic Techsoft, a leader in Odoo implementation services, offers customized solutions for integrating Odoo 17’s advanced system into your manufacturing processes.

Our Approach

  • Understanding Your Needs : We tailor our implementation plan to your specific requirements.
  • Customized Solutions : Our experienced consultants develop bespoke strategies for your business.
  • Training and Support : We ensure you get the most out of the Odoo 17 system.

Our comprehensive Manufacturing module manages all aspects of your manufacturing process, enhancing efficiency, reducing costs and improving quality.

Odoo 17’s advanced part recognition system is a transformative tool for manufacturing assembly lines and Pragmatic Techsoft is your ideal partner for implementation.

Follow our website and blogs for more insights on Odoo 17 and how it can benefit your manufacturing processes.

Contact us today to explore how we can assist you with your Odoo 17 implementation needs.


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