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Meeting stricter emission regulations? How Odoo can ensure traceability and compliance in your supply chain.

The world is waking up to the urgency of climate change. Governments are enacting stricter emission regulations and consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable products. This puts a heavy burden on businesses to ensure their supply chains are not only efficient but also transparent and environmentally responsible.

Fortunately, there’s a powerful tool available to help businesses navigate this new landscape – Odoo, an open-source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software with robust supply chain management (SCM) capabilities.

In this blog, we’ll explore how Odoo 17, the latest version, empowers businesses to achieve traceability and compliance in their supply chains, ultimately leading to the manufacture of sustainable products.


Traditionally, supply chains have been opaque, making it difficult to track the origin of materials and monitor environmental impact. Odoo 17 shatters this opacity by offering a comprehensive suite of features for managing every step of your supply chain :

1) Lot and Serial Number Tracking : Assign unique identifiers to raw materials, components, and finished products. This allows you to pinpoint the exact origin of any item in your supply chain, facilitating targeted recalls if necessary. 

2) Production Planning & Control : Optimize production processes to minimize waste and energy consumption. Odoo allows you to define Bill of Materials (BOMs) with precise material quantities, ensuring you use only what’s needed for production.

3) Inventory Management : Maintain optimal stock levels to avoid overproduction and unnecessary transportation, both of which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Odoo’s forecasting tools help you predict demand and manage inventory accordingly.

4) Supplier Management : Collaborate with suppliers who share your commitment to sustainability. Odoo facilitates communication and information exchange with suppliers, allowing you to assess their environmental practices.

By leveraging these features, businesses gain complete visibility into their supply chains, enabling them to –

  1. Identify and eliminate inefficiencies : Streamlined processes minimize waste and energy consumption, leading to a reduced carbon footprint.
  2. Ensure regulatory compliance : Odoo helps you comply with emission regulations by providing a clear audit trail for materials and production processes.
  3. Build trust with stakeholders : Transparency in your supply chain fosters trust with environmentally conscious consumers and investors.

Odoo empowers businesses to manufacture sustainable products by :

  1. Facilitating Sustainable Sourcing : Partner with suppliers who prioritize environmentally friendly practices. Odoo’s supplier management tools streamline communication and allow you to assess their sustainability credentials.
  2. Optimizing Resource Utilization : Minimize waste generation through efficient production planning and inventory management. Odoo helps you use only the necessary resources for production.
  3. Transparency in Product Labeling : Provide detailed information about the origin of materials and the product’s environmental impact. Odoo integrates with various labeling solutions to ensure accurate and transparent product information.

By adopting these practices, businesses can –

  1. Differentiate themselves in the marketplace : Sustainability is a competitive advantage in today’s market. Odoo helps you showcase your commitment to environmental responsibility and attract eco-conscious customers.
  2. Reduce operating costs : Resource efficiency translates to cost savings. Odoo helps minimize waste, optimize production and reduce energy consumption.
  3. Build brand loyalty : Consumers appreciate brands that prioritize sustainability. Odoo helps you build trust and loyalty with a customer base that values environmental responsibility.


Understanding how to utilize Odoo 17’s features for supply chain traceability and compliance is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started.

1. Define Your Traceability Needs 

  • Identify Trackable Items : Determine which materials, components, and finished products require tracking. This could be based on regulatory requirements, your sustainability goals, or customer demands.
  • Choose Tracking Method : Odoo offers lot and serial number tracking. Lot tracking is suitable for batches of identical items, while serial number tracking is ideal for unique items. 

2. Configure Odoo for Traceability

  • Activate Traceability in Settings : Navigate to Inventory > Configuration > Settings and enable “Lots” or “Serial Numbers” based on your chosen tracking method.
  • Set Up Products for Tracking : In the Products menu, define which products require tracking by selecting the appropriate option in the Tracking section.

3. Implement Tracking Procedures

  • Track Incoming Materials : Assign lot or serial numbers to incoming materials during the receiving process. Odoo allows barcode scanning for efficient data capture.
  • Track Production Processes : Link tracked materials to production orders, ensuring traceability throughout the manufacturing process.
  • Track Finished Products : Assign lot or serial numbers to finished products and link them back to the raw materials used in their production.

4. Leverage Traceability for Compliance 

  • Maintain a detailed Audit Trail : Odoo tracks all movements of your tracked items, creating a comprehensive audit trail for regulatory compliance purposes.
  • Facilitate recalls : In case of product recalls, Odoo’s traceability features allow you to quickly identify and isolate affected products, minimizing risk and ensuring consumer safety.

5. Integrate with Third-Party Solutions

Odoo offers APIs for seamless integration with various third-party solutions. Consider integrating with :

  • Sustainability Data Providers : Access data on your suppliers’ environmental practices to make informed sourcing decisions.
  • Carbon Footprint Tracking Tools : Track and monitor your supply chain’s carbon footprint to identify areas for improvement.

Remember :

  • Regular Training : Ensure your team is adequately trained on Odoo’s traceability features for efficient data capture and utilization.
  • Data Integrity : Maintain accurate and complete data within Odoo to ensure the effectiveness of your traceability efforts.


By implementing the steps outlined above, you can leverage Odoo 17 to achieve a transparent and sustainable supply chain. This translates to numerous benefits for your business

  • Reduced Environmental Impact : Minimize waste generation, optimize resource utilization and lower your carbon footprint.
  • Enhanced Regulatory Compliance : Meet stricter emission regulations and demonstrate environmental responsibility.
  • Improved Brand Reputation : Build trust and loyalty with stakeholders who value sustainability.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency : Streamlined processes and better resource management lead to cost savings.
  • Competitive Advantage : Differentiate yourself in the market by showcasing your commitment to sustainability and attract environmentally conscious consumers.

Stay Tuned for More!

Our team of Odoo experts at Pragmatic Techsoft is here to help. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and explore how Odoo can empower your business to achieve its sustainability goals.

Source : Odoo Documentation


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