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Beyonce Adams

Odoo 11 : What would be good to have improvements in the Community and Enterprise Edition?

Odoo 11 is planned to be released on October 2017 and will come packed with many features. As per Fabien’s presentation at the Odoo Experience 2016 event the new version, will be focused on the following features

Odoo Community:

  • Usability
  • Speed
  • New Design (from current Odoo Enterprise)
  • Mobile

Odoo Enterprise:

  • Accounting
  • Localizations
  • Services Companies
  • Odoo Studio (make it even better)
  • Reporting & Dashboard (a more BI-like tool)
  • Improving on existing Enterprise Apps such as Helpdesk, Timesheets, Subsciptions
  • New Appointment Scheduling App
  • IOS App (May be)

What Would be good to have in Odoo 11?

The above mentioned items are part of the Roadmap of Odoo. But I am sure you guys also would like to voice your opinion and mention some of the things you would like to see as part of this release. Feel free to leave out your comments, suggestions and updates.


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