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Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP 7 POS (Promotional Schemes Management)

                              Product promotional schemes offered in retail industry has great impact on total sales turnover of business. No doubt that promotional schemes offer series of benefits to the industry than any other business communication can.
                             This module helps user to create different promotional schemes that suits to their business. promotional schemes created in OpenERP shall be utilize in POS module so that billing will be generated based on promotional schemes. 

Promotional Schemes can be configured for :
         1) Specific product category/ products
         2) Specific date range
         3) Different locations/ branches

Following are the types Promotional Schemes :  
 1) Buy X, Get Y Free
     This method user can offer Y products on discounted prices against the purchase of X products  for stipulated quantity. 

There are two subtypes for this scheme as follows
   A. For Same products : 
   In this case same products are offered at discounted price against purchase of stipulated quantity of products   
                                      eg : Buy 1 Pizza Get 1 Free
                                             Buy 3 T-shirt Get 1 Free   

  B. For Different Products : 
   In this case discounted prices are offered on Different products that actully procured.  
                                      eg : Buy 1 Computer Get 1 Headphone Free
                                             Buy 2 Trousers Get 1 T-shirt Free.  
                                             Buy 20 KG Rice and GET 1 Kg of Sugar Free                                                    Get TV Tuner at 50% Disc. with 1 Compaq Laptops 

2)Unit Price Discount (Amt.) :

     In this type of promotional schemes user can directly set unit prices for selected products. Unit price can be set for different slabs of quantity procured.   
                                      eg : Buy 2 Shirt at Rs. 500 each
                                             Buy 3 Shirt at Rs. 400 each 

3)Unit Price Discount (%) :

     In this type of promotional schemes user can offer discount on unit prices for selected products. Discount % can be set for different slabs of quantity procured.  
                                      eg : Buy 2 Shirt at 10% off
                                             Buy 3 Shirt at Rs. 15% off  


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