Recruiting staff is a very costly exercise. It is also an essential part of any business and it pays to do it properly. When organizations choose the right people for the job, train them well and treat them appropriately, these people not only produce good results but also tend to stay with the organization longer. In such circumstances, the organization’s initial and ongoing investment in them is well rewarded.
1. Can configure skills , notice period , Qualification specialization etc.
Notice period
Qualification Specialization
2) Vacancy is created due to the following reasons
a) Resignation of existing Employee
b) New requirement due increased work
c) Requirement to add new skill set to the existing team etc.
The manager creates a vacancy in the system. The vacancy contains details like – No. of Vacancy , Reason for vacancy , Location , Department , skill set required , qualification required etc.
3) The HR then creates a job posting as per the details of the vacancy. The job posting can be an advertisement in Newspapers , job sites , internal job portals etc.
4) Jobs are filtered based on which jobs are available , requirement for future etc. This is to help HR to see the current , past and future requirements.
5. Hire Questionnaire
Hire Questionnaire can be prepared for the applicants.
6)Fit Ratio criteria for the applicants is defined.
Hire Questionnaire can be prepared for the applicants.
The fit ratio criteria is defined for the job . This criteria is very helpful to evaluate the competences of the Applicants.
Based on jobs , the weight-age is given to different parameters like ,
1. Qualification
2. Salary Expected
3. Relocation
4. Work Authorization
5. Traveling
6. Employment type
7. Education etc.
7) The Applicant details are added in the system. This can be done in following ways.
a) Added manually by the user.
b) Details to be added using import option.
c) Details to be filled by the applicants on the websites and then import details in OpenERP using some tool.
8) Applicant search wizard.
Based on the selected parameters , applicants can be searched.
9) Follow-up activities for Applicants.
Applicants can be followed up , scheduled for Appointments , Re-scheduled for Appointments etc.
10) Then the selected Applicants go through the whole process of recruitment like ,
a) Applicant initial stage
b) Application in progress
c) Applicant in Round 1
d) Applicant in Round 2
e) Waiting for GM Approval
f) Waiting for CEO Approval
g) Contract Offered
h) Offer Accepted
i) Offer Rejected
j) Applicant rejected etc
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