Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Pragmatic Odoo Zoho CRM Connector

Odoo Zoho CRM integration helps to connect odoo with Zoho CRM and manage all your CRM operations from Odoo


Pragmatic Zoho CRM Connector is an Odoo App which allows following operations:

  1. Importing of Customers from Zoho CRM to Odoo
  2. Exporting Customers to  Zoho CRM from Odoo, Performs Update if Customer Exists in Zoho CRM.
  3. Importing Leads from Zoho CRM to Odoo
  4. Exporting Leads to Zoho CRM from Odoo, Performs Update if Lead Exists in Zoho CRM.

Fig. 1.0


Click to Install Pragmatic ZOHO CRM Connector Odoo App.


Fig. 2.0


In Companies Tab user will find new notebook tab added with title as ZOHO CRM.

This page has all necessary credentials config inputs which is required for connecting to ZOHO CRM and Odoo.

Over this screen user need to click on ‘Authenticate’ button, system will get authenticated with the ZOHO CRM portal credentials and records the authorized token.

Once the authorized token is generated user can sync the ZOHO CRM data with Odoo and vice versa.

User can fetch leads and contact data from ZOHO CRM to Odoo and vice versa.




Fig. 3.0


Fig. 3 shows the new leads created in ZOHO CRM


Fig 4.0


Now import leads in Odoo by using ‘Import leads’ button showing in fig. 4.0

Fig 5.0


Same lead is imported in odoo as shown in fig. 5.0


Now we have created new contact in ZOHO, as shown in below fig 6.0

Fig 6.0


Click on import contacts button shown on fig 4.0 above.


Fig 7.0


We have successfully imported contact in Odoo from ZOHO, shown above in Fig.7

Our Pragmatic Zoho CRM Connector App Utilises Latest v40.0 REST API, The Communication between Odoo and Zoho CRM is Secure as we are using Latest Authentication Mechanism of OAuth 2.0

We choose REST API over traditional SOAP API due to following benefits of REST API over SOAP API:

  1. REST requires less bandwidth as compared with SOAP API, Hence REST is much faster than SOAP.
  2. REST can use Plain Text, XML, JSON for data transport which is lighter in size and doesn’t require parsers, has less overhead.
  3. REST uses Unique Resource Identifier(URI) to expose business logic.
  4. REST uses standard HTTP protocol for data transport.

ZOHO CRM and Odoo are two great products, If you need more functionality in connector App depending on your business requirements we can customize it for you.



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