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Archive for the odoo 17 implementation tag

Beyonce Adams

Odoo 17 Implementation : Community or Enterprise, What’s Best for Long-Term Success?

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Odoo 17 Implementation : Community or Enterprise, What’s Best for Long-Term Success?

COMMUNITY vs ENTERPRISE – WHICH SUITS YOUR BUSINESS? Both Community and Enterprise editions share the same database, core applications and fundamental functionalities, with the Community edition serving as the foundation for the Enterprise version​. Key Differences WHAT’S NEW IN Odoo 17 COMMUNITY AND ENTERPRISE EDITIONS IN 2023? At Pragmatic Techsoft, we excel in navigating the […]

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Beyonce Adams

Is Odoo 17 the Answer to Your Server Performance Hurdles?

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Is Odoo 17 the Answer to Your Server Performance Hurdles?

ODOO 17 – A LEAP IN SERVER PERFORMANCE 1) NEW DATABASE ENGINE : POSTGRESQL 14 Odoo 17 is now powered by PostgreSQL 14, the latest version of the robust database engine, bringing with it a host of performance enhancements. Some good things about using PostgreSQL 14 with Odoo 17 are : 2) REVAMPED CACHING SYSTEM […]

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