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Beyonce Adams

Vision Express Shipping Integration with Odoo

Pragmatic has developed a module – ‘Vision Express Shipping Method’ in Odoo to get the rate quote on the sales quotation level by passing the product details and partner details like From Zip, To Zip, number of product quantity, product weight, class, etc.

And to get the proper response, we need to pass the “Service Id” with request API. You can give the configuration for the same. Please find screenshot below.

After configuration of vision express, user can generate rate quote at sales quotation level. On the sales quotation when user add the product, he can see the settings button on sales order line level. When user clicks on it, wizard will open where user can select the service for the shipping carrier like Residential Delivery, Liftgate Delivery, etc. Please find below screenshot for the same.

After clicking on calculate button system will calculate the rate quote for vision express. There is one checkbox called “Select Carrier”, if user makes it True then that rate quote amount will get added in sales order line for delivery order and invoice.


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