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What pre-built widgets and components in Odoo Studio are best suited for manufacturing dashboards?

Manufacturers are constantly striving to optimize their operations and gain a decisive edge. Data-driven decision-making is crucial in this pursuit and manufacturing dashboards play a pivotal role in visualizing key metrics and performance indicators. But crafting effective dashboards can be a challenge, often requiring technical expertise and design skills.

With the release of Odoo 17, the platform has further solidified its position as an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs aiming to streamline their business operations. 

This blog delves into the heart of Odoo Studio, spotlighting the pre-built widgets and components that are transforming manufacturing dashboards into powerhouses of productivity.


Manufacturing dashboards are the nerve centers of production operations, providing real-time insights and analytics that drive decision-making. 

Odoo Studio, with its rich repository of pre-built widgets, offers a customizable and intuitive interface to monitor, analyze and optimize manufacturing processes.

1) KPI Widgets

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are vital for monitoring the health of manufacturing operations. Odoo Studio’s KPI widgets allow for real-time tracking of production efficiency, order fulfillment rates, and machine downtime, ensuring that managers have their fingers on the pulse of the production floor.

2) Graph Widgets

Visual data representation is crucial for quick and informed decision-making. Graph widgets in Odoo Studio offer a variety of chart types, including bar, line, and pie charts, to depict production trends, inventory levels and quality control metrics, making complex data easily digestible.

3) Gantt Charts for Production Scheduling

Effective scheduling is the backbone of manufacturing. Odoo Studio’s Gantt chart widgets provide a visual timeline for production orders, maintenance schedules, and resource allocation, facilitating efficient workflow management and minimizing bottlenecks.

4) Custom Formulas and Calculations

Manufacturing often requires specific calculations for efficiency, yield and capacity planning. Odoo Studio’s ability to create custom widgets with tailored formulas enables businesses to incorporate unique metrics directly into their dashboards, ensuring relevance and precision.


  • Custom Filters : Allow users to filter data based on specific criteria for deeper analysis.
  • Drill-Down Functionality : Enable users to delve into underlying data for granular insights.
  • Action Buttons : Trigger automated actions directly from the dashboard, streamlining processes.


Implementing Odoo Studio widgets into manufacturing dashboards is a straightforward process that can significantly elevate operational efficiency. Here’s a simplified guide :

  1. Identify Key Metrics : Determine the most critical indicators for your manufacturing operations, such as production volume, downtime and quality rates.
  2. Select Relevant Widgets : Choose from Odoo Studio’s array of widgets that best represent your identified metrics, ensuring they align with your operational goals.
  3. Customize and Configure : Tailor the widgets to fit your specific needs, adjusting parameters, and incorporating custom formulas as necessary.
  4. Deploy and Monitor : Integrate the configured widgets into your manufacturing dashboards and begin real-time monitoring, ready to make data-driven adjustments.

By leveraging the power of Odoo Studio’s pre-built widgets and components, manufacturers can :

  • Gain real-time visibility into production performance.
  • Identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
  • Make data-driven decisions to optimize operations.
  • Improve communication and collaboration across teams.
  • Boost overall productivity and efficiency.

At Pragmatic Techsoft, we pride ourselves on our deep understanding of Odoo’s capabilities and our ability to tailor solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our expertise in Odoo implementation, customization and support ensures that your transition to a more efficient manufacturing operation is seamless and successful.

Have questions or need help creating customized Odoo dashboards for your manufacturing operations? 

Contact our team of Odoo experts at Pragmatic Techsoft today. 

We’ll be happy to discuss your specific requirements and tailor an Odoo solution that empowers you to make data-driven decisions and achieve your manufacturing goals.

Stay tuned to our website and blogs for more insights on leveraging Odoo 17 to its fullest potential and let’s embark on a journey of operational excellence together.


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