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5 Ways Odoo Product Variants Can Enhance Your Manufacturing Process

Tired of managing a complex web of product variations in your manufacturing process?

Juggling different components, colors and configurations for each unique product can lead to inefficiencies, errors and lost revenue. 

But what if there was a solution that streamlined this process, reduced costs and boosted your overall manufacturing effectiveness?

Odoo for manufacturing, a powerful and versatile open-source ERP system equipped with the product variants feature. This innovative feature allows you to manage various versions of the same product with distinct attributes, streamlining your manufacturing operations and offering several key advantages.

In this blog, we’ll delve into 5 key ways Odoo product variants can enhance your manufacturing process :

1. Simplified Product Management

Say goodbye to managing a multitude of product listings for each variation. With Odoo variants, you can define a single “parent product” and configure various attributes like size, color, or material. This reduces data entry, minimizes errors and improves product organization.

2. Enhanced Inventory Control

Odoo tracks inventory levels for each specific variant, ensuring you have the right components on hand to fulfill orders. This eliminates the risk of stockouts or overstocking, leading to improved inventory optimization and reduced carrying costs.

3. Streamlined Production Planning

When creating a sales order for a specific product variant, Odoo automatically generates a manufacturing order (MO) with the precise components and operations required for that variant. This eliminates manual configuration, reduces errors and ensures production efficiency.

4. Cost-Effective Manufacturing

By having a clear understanding of component requirements for each variant, you can optimize your bill of materials (BOM) and negotiate better bulk purchase discounts with suppliers. This translates to cost savings on raw materials and contributes to improved profitability.

5. Improved Customer Experience

Offering product variants empowers you to cater to a wider range of customer preferences and increase your market reach. Customers can easily customize their desired product online, enhancing their buying experience and fostering brand loyalty.


Imagine you operate a company that produces custom-made laptops. Your base model, the “Comet,” comes in three screen sizes (13″, 15″, and 17″) and offers various RAM (8GB, 16GB, 32GB) and storage (256GB, 512GB, 1TB) options. Additionally, you provide the choice between an integrated graphics card or a dedicated graphics card for enhanced performance.

Previously, managing these variations could have been a logistical nightmare –

  • Creating separate product listings for every possible combination would lead to a cluttered online store and complex inventory management.
  • Manually configuring each sales order with the specific components could be time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Maintaining accurate stock levels for each unique configuration would be challenging, potentially leading to stockouts or overstocking.

However, by leveraging Odoo product variants, you can streamline your operations and enhance your business in several ways : 

  1. Simplified Product Management – You define the “Comet Laptop” as the parent product with configurable attributes like “Screen Size,” “RAM,” “Storage,” and “Graphics Card.” This reduces data entry, minimizes errors, and presents a clear and concise product offering to customers.
  2. Enhanced Inventory Control – Odoo tracks the inventory levels for each specific variant combination (e.g., 15″ screen, 16GB RAM, 512GB storage, integrated graphics card). This ensures you have the necessary components in stock to fulfill orders, preventing delays and lost sales.
  3. Streamlined Production Planning – When a customer selects their desired configuration during a sales order, Odoo automatically generates an accurate manufacturing order. This order specifies the exact components needed (screen size, RAM, storage, graphics card) for that specific laptop, eliminating manual configuration and ensuring efficient production.
  4. Cost-Effective Manufacturing – By having a clear understanding of component requirements for each variant, you can optimize your BOM and potentially negotiate better bulk purchase discounts with suppliers for frequently used components. This translates to cost savings on raw materials and contributes to improved profitability.
  5. Improved Customer Experience – Customers can easily customize their ideal laptop online, selecting the screen size, RAM, storage, and graphics card that best suit their needs and budget. This personalized approach enhances the customer experience, fosters brand loyalty, and potentially increases average order value.

Implementing Odoo product variants not only simplifies product management and inventory control for your business, but it also empowers you to offer greater product personalization to your customers, ultimately leading to increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved customer satisfaction.

Beyond just managing product variations, Odoo for manufacturing offers a comprehensive suite of features for :

  • Material resource planning (MRP) to ensure timely availability of materials.
  • Quality control to maintain product consistency and customer satisfaction.
  • Shop floor management to track production progress and optimize operations.

As a leading Odoo solution provider with 16+years of experience, Pragmatic Techsoft possesses extensive expertise in implementing, customizing and supporting Odoo for manufacturing businesses. 

Our team of certified consultants can help you leverage the power of Odoo product variants and streamline your production process, ultimately leading to increased efficiency, cost savings and improved customer satisfaction.

Contact our team today for a free consultation and discover how we can help you take your manufacturing operations to the next level.

Stay tuned to our website and blogs for more insightful content on Odoo 17 and how it can empower your business growth.


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