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Can Odoo 17 Help Your Manufacturing Business Navigate Volatile Markets?

odoo latest version

Staying agile and adaptive is not just advantageous – it’s essential for survival in today’s rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape. 

The advent of Odoo 17, a comprehensive and powerful ERP software, is a ray of hope for manufacturing businesses navigating these turbulent waters.

According to a Frost & Sullivan report, the global manufacturing ERP market is projected to hit $18.8 billion by 2025, fueled by a growing demand for efficient and cost-effective ERP solutions. 

Moreover, an IDC study reveals that 70% of manufacturing businesses plan to invest in ERP software in the next two years. 

These statistics underscore a critical trend: the increasing reliance on advanced ERP systems like Odoo 17 to bolster efficiency, slash costs and enhance customer satisfaction in the volatile manufacturing industry.


1) Enhanced Efficiency and Streamlined Operations

Odoo 17 excels in automating various manufacturing tasks, such as order processing, inventory management, and production planning. This automation leads to significant improvements in operational efficiency.

For example, a textile manufacturing company who would utilize Odoo 17 to automate its inventory management would reduce manual errors, optimize stock levels and improve delivery times, leading to an approx 20% increase in operational efficiency.

2) Cost Reduction through Optimized Management

Odoo 17 offers robust inventory management tools and waste reduction strategies, directly contributing to lower operational costs.

Say, a small-scale machinery manufacturer who would implement Odoo 17’s inventory management system would significantly reduce their waste and excess inventory costs. This would save them approximately 15% in expenses annually.

3) Boosting Customer Satisfaction

With better visibility into the production process and enhanced customer service features, Odoo 17 helps businesses improve their customer satisfaction rates.


new odoo

1) Bill of Materials (BOM) Management

Odoo 17’s BOM feature simplifies the creation and management of detailed BOMs, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in manufacturing processes.

2) Routing and Process Optimization

The routing feature allows businesses to define the sequence of manufacturing steps, optimizing the entire production process.

3) Quality Control Enhancement

Odoo 17 enhances quality control by providing tools for rigorous tracking and management, ensuring product quality and compliance.

4) Maintenance Management

The maintenance module in Odoo 17 aids in the effective tracking and management of equipment maintenance, vital for uninterrupted manufacturing operations.

For manufacturing businesses aiming to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer relations, Odoo 17 presents an ideal solution. 

Pragmatic Techsoft has extensive experience in implementing Odo for diverse manufacturing businesses. Our expertise ensures a smooth transition and effective customization of Odoo 17 to meet specific business requirements.

Our Manufacturing Module for Odoo 17 includes advanced features like :

  • Advanced BOM Management : For complex BOM handling.
  • Production Scheduling and Tracking : Ensuring efficient order scheduling and real-time monitoring.
  • Shop Floor Control : Tools for effective shop floor operations management.

Stay informed with our ongoing insights on Odoo 17 and its applications in the manufacturing sector.

Contact Pragmatic Techsoft’s Odoo experts for a customized approach to leveraging Odoo 17’s capabilities. 


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