Since shipping rates for different countries, regions, or zones you’re sending products to might differ, you can create different shipping methods for each of the zones you ship to, and calculate your shipping rate based on the rules you specify.
Pragmatic has developed an Odoo module which allows us to set the countries on the pricing rules itself. Currently Odoo supports the countries on the delivery methods for which all the rules are applied.
In case we need to apply different rules for different countries, under the same rule we need to create new methods for the different countries.
We have changed the computation of the Delivery cost to compare the delivery address country with the countries in the rule.
Lets see how this works.
When we create a sales order, the delivery method is picked directly from the customer and we can compute the delivery amount based on the rules created.
We take a dummy customer with an address of India.
Another example of a customer with United States address.
For more information, you can get in touch with us at +1 713 701 5957 or drop in an email at
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