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Beyonce Adams

Enhance Hospital Administration With Odoo Healthcare Management Software

It isn’t easy running a hospital from top to bottom. The task is as daunting as it is important. In fact, some of the smartest brains are engaged in the business. They deploy the latest technology and tools to try and get maximum benefits from their work.

Odoo Healthcare Management Software is one such advanced module. It provides you with an easy way to manage numerous activities running simultaneously in the hospital.

The module has been crafted essentially to meet the unique requirements of the healthcare industry.

Odoo Healthcare Management System or Odoo Hospital Management System is an advanced ERP solution that integrates all the information and processes of a hospital, on a single platform. It brings upon a unified view for managing patients, doctors, inventory, appointments, billing information, finances and much more. This enables healthcare professionals to manage their hospital or clinic easily and provide quality service in addition to professional medical care.

The software or module is fully customizable, user-friendly, database-driven, highly versatile, and easy to install. It allows faster, precise access to patient records that will help doctors act swiftly in an emergency.

Users can maintain patient information like diseases, socio-economic conditions, lifestyle, medication, diseases, genetic risk, surgery, domiciliary unit, etc.

Further, patient family records can be recorded where all members of one family can be added to the system.

The automated system also helps the hospital/ clinic to be more productive at lower costs.

Components of a Healthcare Management System 

Appointment Management I Patient Management I Facility Management I Staff Management I Supply Management I Financial Management I Insurance Management I Laboratory Management Radiology I Management I Report Management I Support Management

In a nutshell, Hospital Management System creates a frictionless approach to managing the entire hospital and solves all complexities in the process.

Key Features of Odoo Healthcare Management System 

Odoo Hospital Management System makes hospital data easy to manage.

Benefits of Odoo Healthcare Management System 

  • Create appointments for patients along with the prescriptions related to those appointments.
  • Add Inpatient details in the system efficiently.
  • Capture information like diet and nutrition of the patient, care plan, and bed transfer details.
  • Users can maintain patient information like diseases, socio-economic conditions, lifestyle, medication, diseases, genetic risk, surgery, domiciliary unit, etc.
  • Patient family records can be documented where all members of one family can be added in the system.
  • Capture Intensive Care Unit details of the patient, viz., GCS, ECG, and APACHE ll Score.
  • Newborn records can be maintained.
  • Pediatric symptoms checklist can be maintained for the patient.
  • Imaging requests can be created and results are added to the systems. Result images can be attached.
  • Archives are created where the details of the instruments borrowed are maintained.
  • Maintain details of patients’ surgeries.
  • Lab test requests and results can be maintained.
  • Invoices for the services provided in the hospital can be created which are directly reflected in the balance sheet.
  • Generate invoices for services like lab tests, appointments, prescriptions, etc.

Module Configuration 

What makes Odoo Healthcare Management Module one of the best hospital management software is it’s easy to configure and implement. To get an overview of the dashboard or order a

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Why Choose Pragmatic for Odoo Hospital Management Software? 

We strive to provide the best medical software systems for the changing requirements of the healthcare industry globally. Pragmatic Techsoft has many years of experience helping hospitals and clinics manage their administration efficiently through advanced automated systems.

With our proven software products and technical support system, you can simplify complex tasks and focus more on the things that need your immediate attention. If you are looking for a hospital management system, kindly click the below button.


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