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Beyonce Adams

How Does Integrating Google Maps into Odoo’s Real Estate Module Improve Client Engagement for Agents?

In today’s competitive real estate market, capturing client attention, qualifying leads and closing deals require innovative strategies. 

Integrating Google Maps into Odoo‘s real estate module can be a game-changer, offering a plethora of benefits that enhance the client experience and streamline workflows for agents. 

By leveraging the power of interactive visualizations, improved communication and valuable data insights, real estate professionals can elevate their offerings and gain a competitive edge.


Gone are the days of static property descriptions and blurry photographs. 

Google Maps integration within Odoo empowers agents to showcase their listings in a captivating and interactive manner, fostering deeper client engagement.

Odoo 17’s capabilities


Building trust and rapport with clients hinges on effective communication. Integrating Google Maps with Odoo streamlines communication by allowing agents to effortlessly share property locations, directions, and real-time updates.

Odoo 17 functionalities

1) Integrated Messaging

Eliminate the need for juggling multiple communication channels. Utilize Odoo’s built-in messaging system to communicate directly with clients, ensuring all conversations are centralized and easily accessible for both parties.

2) Real-time Location Sharing

Enhance collaboration and scheduling by sharing your live location directly within Odoo. This facilitates easier meet-ups at properties for viewings or open houses, saving time and eliminating the hassle of sending directions.


The data collected through Google Maps integration within Odoo can be a goldmine for real estate agents. By analyzing how potential clients interact with property listings and virtual tours, agents can gain valuable insights into their preferences and search behavior. 

This information empowers them to personalize interactions, tailor marketing strategies and ultimately, close deals faster.

Odoo 17 empowers you with –

1) Website Analytics Integration

Integrate Google Analytics with your Odoo website to track user behavior on your property listings and virtual tours. Gain insights into which areas of the property pique the most interest and tailor your marketing and communication strategies accordingly.

2) Automated Reporting

Odoo 17’s robust reporting engine allows you to generate automated reports on client interactions and engagement with your listings. Identify trends, understand your target audience better, and personalize your approach for maximum impact.


Odoo 17 offers additional functionalities that further enhance client engagement :

1) Distance Calculation

Allow clients to calculate their commute time or distance to work, schools or other desired locations directly from the property listing. This simplifies their decision-making process and highlights the property’s convenience.

2) Route Planning

Integrate route planning tools within Odoo, enabling clients to plan their route to the property for viewings or open houses with ease. This eliminates any confusion or potential delays, streamlining the overall experience.

Take Your Real Estate Business to the Next Level

By integrating Google Maps into your Odoo real estate module, you can captivate audiences with interactive property experiences, streamline communication and collaboration with clients and gain valuable insights to personalize your interactions.

At Pragmatic Techsoft, we are Odoo specialists with extensive experience in integrating Google Maps and other powerful functionalities to elevate your real estate business.

Our team offers :

  • Seamless Integration : We handle the entire integration process, ensuring Google Maps and other relevant functionalities are seamlessly integrated into your Odoo instance, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.
  • Customization Expertise : We understand that every real estate business is unique. We can customize the integration to meet your specific needs and preferences, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your workflows and branding.
  • Ongoing Support : Our dedicated support team is always available to answer your questions, address any technical issues, and ensure you continue to leverage the full potential of the integration.

Contact Pragmatic Techsoft today for a free demo.

Discover how our Google Maps integration for Odoo can empower you to stand out in the competitive real estate market, enhance client engagement and ultimately, close more deals.


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