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Is Odoo 17 the Answer to Your Server Performance Hurdles?

Navigating the digital demands of today’s business landscape requires robust server performance, ensuring seamless operations even as business scales. 

Odoo has been a trusted companion for many enterprises on this journey. The release of Odoo 17 is more than just an upgrade; it’s a strong answer to the persistent server performance challenges. 

As we delve into the heart of Odoo 17, we uncover a blend of features aimed at elevating server performance, thereby aligning technical capabilities with business aspirations more closely.



Odoo 17 is now powered by PostgreSQL 14, the latest version of the robust database engine, bringing with it a host of performance enhancements.

Some good things about using PostgreSQL 14 with Odoo 17 are :


A smarter method is also used by the new caching system to choose what to keep. The programme looks at how often changes are made to different types of data and how big that data is. This makes sure that the data that is viewed most often is stored, which can speed things up a lot.

The new memory system can also be set up in more ways than the old one. For your business, this makes it easy to tune the cache to fit its needs.

Here are some good things about Odoo 17’s new storage system :


If server performance issues are hindering your operations, migrating to Odoo 17 could be the solution. However, migration is a meticulous process that demands a seasoned approach.

Key Considerations for Migrating to Odoo 17

1) Assessing Your Current Setup

Before embarking on the migration journey, it’s imperative to thoroughly assess your current Odoo setup. Understand the customizations, integrations and configurations in place. Identifying elements that are critical for your operations and those which are outdated or underutilized will streamline the migration process.

2) Data Migration

Migrating your data to Odoo 17 needs a meticulous approach to ensure integrity and accuracy. Mapping data, cleaning up inaccuracies and ensuring a compatible format for Odoo 17 are crucial steps in this phase.

3) Testing the Waters

Prior to the full-fledged migration, conducting a pilot testing on a staging environment with Odoo 17 is advisable. This will give you insights into any potential issues or adjustments needed to ensure a smooth migration.

4) Training and Support

Ensure your team is well-versed with the new features and functionalities of Odoo 17. Organizing training sessions and having a support plan in place will facilitate a smoother transition to the new version.

Engaging with experienced Odoo partners like Pragmatic Techsoft not only eases the migration process but also ensures you’re leveraging the full potential of Odoo 17 to address server performance hurdles.

With over 15 years of experience in Odoo solutions, Pragmatic Techsoft stands as a reliable partner for your migration journey to Odoo 17.

Our track record of successful migrations underlines our expertise in elevating server performance, aligning it with your business growth.

Stay updated with insightful tips and the latest updates by connecting with us on our social platforms. 


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