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Beyonce Adams

Is Odoo 17’s Enhanced Project Management the Key to Better Multi-Company Collaboration in Manufacturing?

Among the plethora of challenges faced by entrepreneurs – such as the integration of AI and automation, the demand for sustainable practices and the rise of remote work models – lies the quest for efficient multi-company collaboration. 

Entrepreneurs are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline their business operations, especially in the realm of manufacturing. The manufacturing sector in 2024 is marked by its complexity, with companies often juggling multiple projects across different entities. This complexity necessitates robust ERP solutions capable of seamless multi-company integration and efficient project management.

A critical aspect of this pursuit is effective project management within a multi-company framework.

Odoo 17 offers robust project management solutions tailored for the manufacturing sector. This blog unveils the transformative potential of Odoo 17 and how it could redefine collaboration across multiple manufacturing entities.

Odoo 17’s project management features can significantly improve multi-company collaboration in manufacturing. The software allows for direct sharing of project needs and schedules with suppliers, leading to fewer mix-ups and smoother operations. This feature is particularly valuable for businesses with complex structures that require seamless collaboration between distinct companies.


Entrepreneurs face unique challenges in multi-company environments, including data silos, communication barriers, and inconsistent project tracking. These challenges underscore the need for a unified system that can streamline operations across various entities.


1) Enhanced Project Management Features

Odoo 17 introduces advanced project management tools designed for multi-company collaboration. These features enable businesses to manage projects across different companies within the same interface, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

2) Streamlining Multi-Company Collaboration

With Odoo 17, companies can easily share resources, track project progress and maintain communication across different entities. This level of integration is crucial for manufacturers dealing with complex, multi-faceted projects.


Step 1 : Setting Up Companies and Users

  1. Create Companies : In Odoo 17, start by setting up each company within your multi-company environment. This includes defining company names, addresses, and other relevant details.
  2. Configure Users : Assign users to their respective companies. Each user can be linked to one or multiple companies, depending on their role and the level of access required.

Step 2 : Configuring Inter-Company Transactions

  1. Set Up Rules for Inter-Company Transactions : Define rules for automated transactions between companies. This includes sales and purchase orders, invoices, and other financial transactions.
  2. Automate Workflows : Implement automated workflows to facilitate smooth transactions between companies, reducing manual intervention and errors.

Step 3 : Centralizing Data Management

  1. Unified Product Catalog : Create a centralized product catalog accessible by all companies. This ensures consistency in product information across the group.
  2. Shared Customer and Vendor Databases : Maintain shared databases for customers and vendors to streamline communication and transactions.

Step 4 : Implementing Project Management Tools

  1. Project Creation and Assignment : Create projects and assign them to the relevant company or companies. Odoo 17 allows for detailed project setup, including timelines, milestones and tasks.
  2. Resource Allocation : Allocate resources, including personnel and materials, across different companies as needed, ensuring optimal utilization.

Step 5 : Financial Management and Reporting

  1. Consolidated Financial Reporting : Utilize Odoo 17’s financial tools to generate consolidated reports that provide a comprehensive view of the financial health across all companies.
  2. Budget Management : Set and manage budgets at both the individual company level and the group level.

Step 6 : Communication and Collaboration

  1. Integrated Communication Tools : Use Odoo 17’s communication tools, such as messaging and notes, to facilitate clear and consistent communication across companies.
  2. Collaborative Platforms : Leverage shared platforms for document management, project discussions, and collaborative decision-making.

Step 7 : Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

  1. Performance Tracking : Regularly monitor the performance of multi-company operations using Odoo 17’s analytics and reporting tools.
  2. Feedback and Optimization : Continuously gather feedback from users and stakeholders to optimize processes and workflows.

Implementing multi-company operations in Odoo 17 requires careful planning and execution. By following these steps, businesses can ensure efficient and cohesive operations across their enterprise, leveraging the powerful capabilities of Odoo 17 for enhanced collaboration and productivity in a multi-company environment.

For expert guidance and support in setting up and optimizing your multi-company operations with Odoo 17, connect with our team at Pragmatic Techsoft. We specialize in customizing Odoo solutions to

At Pragmatic Techsoft, we excel in implementing, customizing and migrating to the latest Odoo versions. Our expertise in Odoo 17 ensures that your transition to this advanced ERP solution is seamless, enhancing your multi-company manufacturing operations.

Discover how Odoo 17 can transform your manufacturing operations by visiting our Manufacturing Module.

Stay tuned to our website and blogs for more insights on Odoo 17. 

Let us help you leverage the full potential of Odoo 17 for your business’s success.


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