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Is your handmade business scalable? Explore how Odoo can help you grow

You pour your heart and soul into each piece you create, but the dream goes beyond just making beautiful things. You yearn to share your work with the world and maybe even turn your passion into a thriving business. 

The handmade industry is booming, with a growing appreciation for unique, handcrafted goods. 

A 2023 Etsy report found that the handmade marketplace saw a 23.2% year-over-year growth, demonstrating the increasing consumer demand for artisan products. 

However, scaling a handmade business requires a strategic approach. You need a system that streamlines operations, automates tasks and empowers you to manage growth effectively. This is where Odoo, a powerful open-source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, comes in handy.


Odoo offers a comprehensive suite of tools specifically tailored to the needs of growing businesses, including those in the handmade sector. 

Here’s how Odoo empowers artisans to scale their craft businesses :

1) Inventory Management : Imagine never having to worry about stock outs or misplaced materials. Odoo’s robust inventory management system lets you track raw materials, finished products and even variations within a product line. This ensures you have the right supplies on hand to meet customer demand without overstocking.

2) Production Planning & Scheduling : Juggling production schedules and ensuring on-time deliveries can be a challenge for handmade businesses. Odoo’s production planning module helps you streamline your workflow. Define production steps, allocate resources and plan production schedules based on real-time inventory levels and sales forecasts.

3) Sales & Order Management : Seamlessly manage customer orders from quote creation to invoicing. Odoo integrates with popular online marketplaces like Etsy, allowing you to receive and manage orders directly within the platform. Generate professional invoices with your brand logo and track order fulfillment efficiently.

4) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) : Nurture customer relationships and build brand loyalty. Odoo CRM allows you to store customer information, track interactions and personalize marketing campaigns. Offer exclusive discounts or early access to new products to your loyal customers, fostering a sense of community and repeat business.

5) E-commerce Integration : Sell directly through your own website with seamless integration between Odoo and your chosen e-commerce platform. Manage product listings, inventory updates and order fulfillment all within the Odoo interface, saving you time and effort.

Beyond these core functionalities, Odoo 17 offers exciting new features specifically beneficial for handmade businesses :

  • Project Management : Odoo 17’s enhanced project management module allows you to create detailed project plans for bespoke commissions or large orders. Track progress, collaborate with team members (if applicable) and ensure on-time delivery, exceeding customer expectations.
  • Website Builder : Design a beautiful and user-friendly website to showcase your handcrafted products. Odoo’s intuitive website builder allows for easy customization, enabling you to create a unique online presence that reflects your brand identity.

Scaling your handmade business requires a reliable partner with expertise in Odoo implementation and customization. 


While both Odoo Community and Enterprise offer valuable features for handmade businesses, understanding their differences is crucial for making an informed decision. Here’s a breakdown to help you choose the best fit :

Odoo Community

  • Free and open-source : Enjoy the core functionalities of Odoo without any licensing costs.
  • Scalable : Odoo Community can handle a growing business with a moderate number of users.
  • Customization : Offers a fair degree of customization through modules and integrations. However, complex customization might require coding expertise.
  • Limited Support : Relies primarily on community forums and online resources for technical support.

Steps to Consider with Odoo Community

  1. Identify your needs : Assess your current challenges and growth goals. Does inventory management need the most improvement? Or do you require advanced features like project management for bespoke commissions?
  2. Explore available modules : The Odoo app store offers a vast library of free and paid modules catering to specific needs. Research and install modules that address your identified pain points.
  3. Consider customization : If basic modules don’t meet your specific needs, evaluate the feasibility of customization. You can find freelance Odoo developers on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr for simpler customizations. However, complex modifications might require in-house development resources.
  4. Join the Odoo Community : The Odoo community forums are a valuable resource for troubleshooting, finding answers to specific questions, and learning best practices from other users.

Who should use the Odoo Community?

  • Small-scale handmade businesses: If you’re just starting or have a manageable order volume, Odoo Community offers a cost-effective solution with essential functionalities.
  • Businesses comfortable with DIY approach: Odoo Community is ideal for businesses with the technical know-how to navigate module installation, basic configuration, and troubleshooting with the help of online resources.

Odoo Enterprise

  • Paid subscription : Requires a yearly subscription fee based on the number of users and chosen modules.
  • Advanced Features : Offers a wider range of functionalities compared to the Community version, including advanced inventory management, manufacturing capabilities, marketing automation and enhanced reporting tools.
  • Superior Support : Provides dedicated customer support from Odoo, ensuring faster response times and access to technical expertise.
  • Enhanced Security : Offers advanced security features for businesses handling sensitive customer data.

Who should use Odoo Enterprise?

  • Growing handmade businesses : As your business scales and your order volume increases, Odoo Enterprise offers robust features to manage complex workflows and ensure efficient operations.
  • Businesses requiring advanced functionality: If your business needs features like project management for bespoke work, advanced manufacturing capabilities, or in-depth analytics, Odoo Enterprise offers a comprehensive solution.
  • Businesses prioritizing dedicated support: For businesses valuing readily available technical assistance, Odoo Enterprise’s dedicated support ensures prompt resolutions and expert guidance.

Odoo Enterprise offers more pre-built functionalities and dedicated support, reducing the need for in-house technical expertise compared to the Community version.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific needs, budget and technical comfort level. 

Consider your current stage of growth and projected future needs to determine the most suitable Odoo version for your handmade business.

At Pragmatic Techsoft, we understand the unique challenges faced by artisans and craftspeople. Our team of Odoo experts possesses in-depth knowledge of the platform and extensive experience in crafting customized solutions for businesses in the handmade industry.

We’ll work closely with you to understand your specific needs, configure Odoo to streamline your workflow and integrate it seamlessly with your existing tools and processes. We offer ongoing support and training to ensure you get the most out of your Odoo investment.

With Odoo by your side, you can transform your passion into a scalable business, manage growth efficiently and build a loyal customer base. 

Stay tuned to our website and blog for more insights on how Odoo 17 can empower your handmade business journey.

Contact our team at Pragmatic Techsoft today to discuss your Odoo implementation needs.


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