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Is your team losing leads due to Missed Calls? How Odoo can help your Insurance Agency with VoIP [and beyond] to thrive in 2024

A potential customer reaching out for a quote or with questions about a policy is a golden opportunity. But what happens when those calls go unanswered? 

According to a Forrester, a staggering 63% of calls to businesses go straight to voicemail.  That’s a massive chunk of potential business slipping through the cracks – leaving a trail of frustrated customers in their wake.

At Pragmatic Techsoft, Odoo specialists with 16+years of experience in implementing Odoo solutions, we are passionate about empowering businesses and hence understand the unique challenges faced by insurance agencies. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into how Odoo’s integrated VoIP system can transform your agency’s communication strategy, ensuring you never miss a lead and nurture stronger client relationships.


The consequences of unanswered calls in the insurance industry are significant.  A Salesforce -State of Service Report highlights that 70% of mobile users calling a business expect to connect with a live representative within the first minute.  

If that call goes unanswered, it can :

1) Damage your reputation : A single bad experience can spread quickly online, impacting your agency’s credibility. Potential clients may leave negative reviews, deterring others from doing business with you.

2) Lead to lost sales : Prompt follow-up on inquiries is crucial for converting leads into paying customers. Missed calls mean missed opportunities to discuss their needs and offer solutions, leading them to seek out competitors who are more responsive.

3) Cause client frustration and churn : Potential clients who can’t reach you are likely to turn to competitors. Existing clients who experience unanswered calls may feel neglected and frustrated, potentially choosing to switch to a more responsive agency.


Odoo is a powerful open-source ERP system offering a hidden gem – a seamlessly integrated VoIP system. 

This empowers insurance agencies with a range of features to significantly improve communication and boost growth :

  1. Unified Inbox : Say goodbye to juggling multiple communication channels. Odoo integrates your phone system with email, live chat and social media, providing a centralized platform for managing all interactions. Your agents can access all communication history for a specific client in one place, ensuring a smooth and personalized experience.
  2. Never Miss a Lead Again : Features like call forwarding ensure calls reach an agent even if they’re away from their desk. Voicemail transcription allows you to review inquiries quickly and prioritize callbacks. Automated notifications alert you of missed calls and voicemails, so no inquiry goes unnoticed.
  3. Improved Client Experience : Crystal-clear audio quality ensures professional and efficient communication with clients. Call recording allows you to review interactions for quality assurance purposes and identify areas for improvement. Call logging helps you track interactions and maintain a complete record of client communication.


Here’s a glimpse into how Odoo’s VoIP system can streamline your insurance agency’s workflow :

  1. A Potential Client Calls : The call arrives directly through Odoo, automatically logged and displayed on the agent’s screen with caller ID and past interaction history (if any). This allows the agent to greet the client by name and understand their situation before even picking up the phone.
  2. Smart Call Routing : Based on pre-defined rules (e.g., department, urgency), Odoo can automatically route the call to the most suitable agent. This ensures clients reach the right person quickly, minimizing wait times and frustration. For example, calls about billing inquiries can be directed to the billing department, while new policy inquiries can be routed to sales agents.
  3. Enhanced Agent Productivity : Odoo provides agents with all the necessary information at their fingertips. During a call, they can access client details, policy information and notes from previous interactions through a single interface. This eliminates the need to switch between multiple applications, allowing agents to focus on delivering exceptional customer service.
  4. Automated Follow-Up : Odoo can automate post-call tasks such as sending follow-up emails with quotes or requesting additional information. This ensures a smooth and efficient sales process and keeps clients informed about the next steps.


Odoo’s communication capabilities go far beyond simply integrating a VoIP system. Let’s delve deeper and discover some hidden gems within Odoo that can further elevate your insurance agency’s communication strategy :

1. Internal Communication & Collaboration

  • Seamless Teamwork : Odoo fosters seamless internal communication with features like instant messaging, group chats and task management tools. Agents can collaborate on complex cases, share updates, and ensure everyone is on the same page, leading to faster resolution times and improved client satisfaction.
  • Automated Workflows : Streamline internal processes with Odoo’s automation capabilities. Set up automated workflows to trigger specific actions based on events, such as sending notifications to a supervisor when a high-value quote request is received. This eliminates manual tasks and frees up valuable agent time.

2. Boosting Client Engagement

  • Proactive Outreach : Go beyond reactive communication. Odoo allows you to create targeted email campaigns and SMS blasts to keep clients informed about policy updates, renewal reminders or special offers. This proactive approach fosters stronger client relationships and loyalty.
  • Live Chat Support : Offer real-time support through Odoo’s integrated live chat feature. Clients can get quick answers to simple questions or schedule appointments directly within the chat window, enhancing convenience and satisfaction.

3. The Power of Data

  • Call Analytics & Reporting : Odoo’s VoIP system provides valuable call analytics and reporting. Gain insights into call volume, peak calling times, agent performance and more. This data-driven approach empowers you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your communication strategy for maximum effectiveness.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) : Odoo’s built-in CRM module helps you manage all client interactions across different channels. Store call recordings, transcripts, emails and other communication history in a centralized location. This fosters a 360-degree view of your clients, enabling you to personalize communication and provide exceptional service.

Remember : Effective communication is a two-way street. 

Odoo empowers you to not only reach out to clients but also gather valuable feedback. Through surveys and polls integrated within the platform, you can gain insights into client satisfaction, identify pain points and continuously improve your communication approach.

At Pragmatic Techsoft, we understand that Odoo’s functionalities are powerful, but navigating the initial setup and customization process can be daunting. That’s where our expertise comes in. We offer a comprehensive Odoo implementation service tailored specifically for insurance agencies.

Our team will work closely with you to understand your unique communication challenges and workflows. We’ll then configure Odoo’s features, integrate them seamlessly with your existing systems, and provide ongoing support to ensure your team maximizes the benefits.

Investing in Odoo is an investment in the future of your insurance agency. By leveraging its integrated communication tools, you can :

  • Reduce missed calls and improve responsiveness
  • Boost agent productivity and efficiency
  • Enhance client engagement and satisfaction
  • Gain valuable data-driven insights
  • Streamline internal processes and collaboration

Contact Pragmatic Techsoft today. 

We’ll be happy to discuss your specific needs and demonstrate how Odoo can transform your communication strategy and drive your business forward.

Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts where we’ll delve deeper into specific Odoo functionalities and provide practical tips for maximizing their impact within your insurance agency. 


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