Odoo 8 – Email Reminders To Vendors
Pragmatic Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. has comeup with new module “pragmatic_email_reminders” to send reminder emails to vendor. There are following email notifications categories involved :
- Delayed Quotation Submission Against RFQ
- Delayed Incoming Shipments
- Partial Incoming Shipments
All above mentioned are the reminder emails to the vendors.
This modules has follwoing configuration available
1. Configurations in Odoo is available in Purchase section :
- This will allow user to set initital delay to shoot email reminders to vendors for delayed quotes submission.
- Initial delay is considered from the date of Order itself
- User can setup frequency schedular with interval unit and type
- max. no. of reminders for vendor per RFQ can be set up
2. RFQ Reminder Configuration
- This will allow user to set initital delay to shoot email reminders to vendors for delayed quotes submission from a date of order
3. Delay Incoming Shipments
- This email reminder is used to notify vendor if none of the product received on a scheduled dated in PO. The initial delay considered for this is on and above on the “Scheduled Date” mentioned for a Shipment.
- User can update new expected date of shipment in Picking if conveyed by vendor.
4. Partial Incoming Shipments
- This email reminder is used to notify vendor if full quantities in picking are not received.
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