Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Odoo Helpdesk

The term itself will justify the module Pragmatic Team has developed. We are here to listen and work on your issues, concerns, suggestions faced while using our products. Our aim with helpdesk is to be an empathetic company that understands its customers’ problems and delivers a superlative product user experience.


Key Features of Helpdesk

Helpdesk Module features will help users to raise tickets, attach snaps of issues if any, get status of the issue and many more. Users can also check the log of the tickets where all the logs of the issues will reflect with it updated status in it. Below are the Key features mentioned:


• Submit Tickets • Status : Submitted ticket status
• My Tickets to check log till date • Create Team Members in Odoo
• Category : Department wise • Create Team Leader
• App Selection : Selection of Apps • Create Priority of the tickets
• Version of the app • Create Team Leader
• Attachment: Image Attachment • Email Notifications
• Record rules based on assigned to. • Ticket assigned to Products Owners
• Ticket creation from Email. • Record rules based on assigned to and assigned by and created by.
• Tickets can be created from backend • Updates of the tickets on every stage on email. to-assigned by and assigned to users


Ticket Submission from Helpdesk

Submit Tickets: User can Submit Tickets via the Helpdesk Portal. If the Helpdesk menu is clicked, it will lead to website which will ask to create account and user then can click on Helpdesk Menu to Submit the ticket.



Click on Submit a ticket which will then Open a form for ticket submission related to products. Here user can select the category “Technical, Functional and Support”. Also Module App option has been given which will list entire products created by company.




Select the Version , attach if any attachments user can even set priority and then submit a ticket. Attachment feasibility to upload the image of error or to highlight the concern.



Ticket History from Helpdesk

My Tickets: User can check the Till date tickets logged from the account. It is so easy to keep the track of your issues/ concerns raised and the details of it can be seen along with the Ticket Status.





Email Notifications

Facility to notify users about the ticket details has been more convenient now. User can now get the email notifications with ticket details . Submit Ticket: After submission of tickets from your account an email will be sent to registered email id as shown below :



Helpdesk Configuration: User can define or configure the Helpdesk Team, Helpdesk Categories and Helpdesk Priorities. The configuration done in following master the same will reflect on website menu in Ticket Submission form.



Helpdesk Teams:


Helpdesk Categories : Technical, Support, Functional and many other can be configured based upon the member hierarchy in the team.



Helpdesk Priority



Helpdesk Module in Odoo:

The tickets Submitted by users from website the same will reflect under this +module. Here user can even create new ticket based upon the call/email received



Attachment: The Attachments attached by the user from website the same attachment is available in Helpdesk Odoo under each ticket beside action menu. There is multiple types attachment can be uploaded from website



Helpdesk has been divided into three categories “Technical, Functional and Support”. User will be reached as per the category selected while submitting the Ticket by user. Which will surely reduce the time for solving issue and will reach out to exact department.
Reaching to us is now more hassle free and resolution to your query will be delivered immediately.


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