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Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP 7 Login using Google Accounts with OAUTH Module

This Blog Deals with Login in OpenERP with Google Account and Google App Domain Account details so that you need not to create user in OpenERP Manually.

Before Starting further discussion Install Following Module in Database: 
1. OAuth2 Authentication
2. Sign up with OAuth2 Authentication
3. Open-ID Authentication.
4. Sign Up

                    In this blog we will see how we can log into OpenERP Using your Google Id and Google APPS Domain.   

Login With Google Account:  
                             First of All Change Some General Setting under Settings>>Configuration >>General Settings  

                           Check Option Allow external users to sign up also specify Template for New User. What Ever User you specify here who’s access rights will be applied to every new user created after login through Google Account ID.

 Also Check Activate the public portal option and restart Server with —db-filter option as  
 $: ./openerp-server -db-filter=Your_Database_Name (for manual start up of server) 

After Starting OpenERP Server with –-db-flter Option On OpenERP Login Screen you will see Other Login Options Available like Login in with Google,Google APP Domains,Launchpad,Open-ID.
 Login in With Google Option: 
Before Using this option we need to get Client Id from Google API Console. Login to Google API Console and Create New Project Over there. you will get Client ID and also set Up Redirect URL to your local host (Note: I am running my OpenERP at portal 8077).
Now in OpenERP under Settings>>Users>>Oauth Providers Edit Google Oauth Option and Specify Client Id you get from Google API console. Also Check Allowed Check Box and Keep other things as it is.
On Login Screen Click on Login In With Google button which will Redirect you to Google login screen enter your Google credentials and grant access to OpenERP. 
After Allowing Access you will be Redirect to OpenERP System . 

Login With Google APP Domain: 
Go to Settings>>Users>>Users Open any User Record and then Enter Open-ID Details of that User. Here Open-ID URL is Google App Domain URL and Open-ID Email is Email id of User on that Domain.

Now on login screen select Google App Login option here specify Google App Domain you want to login with like or and then click on Log in button. 
You will be redirected to Domain which you entered in Google App Domain. 
Enter your user-name & Password and then Click on Allow button to grant permission. After successful login you will be redirect to OpenERP System.
Difference between Google Login and Google App Domain login is that in Google login User is created automatically in system while in Google App login we have to assign Open-ID URL and Email Id to existing user . In Pragmatic we have created feature by which user is created automatically in Google App Domain Login also.


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