Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams


Do you want to offer Odoo to your customers in the cloud? Do you want to avoid writing the subscription management, recurring billing, and credit card management code? Then Odoo Saas Kit is your best bet to kick off your Odoo SaaS offering.

It provides you with a well-tested and proven site management system along with all default Odoo payment gateways. You also get a framework for building membership-based applications, including account sign-ups/upgrades/downgrades, tiered pricing levels, multi-tenant data security, and more, in a single database.

What is an Odoo SaaS Kit?

Odoo SaaS Kit is a customizable suite of software applications that allows you to offer Odoo as a service to your clients.

Enterprises are increasingly implementing it for fundamental business technologies like CRM, POS, HRM, billing, sales, and financial management.

Features of Odoo SaaS Kit

  • Works with both the Odoo editions, viz., Community and Enterprise
  • Individual customers can get subdomain support
  • System-wise database monitoring
  • Provision to remove the database creation URL to avoid the creation of a new database
  • Administrators can create databases with a separate URL provided to them
  • Users can easily reset passwords
  • SSL Support with a digital certificate
  • Provision to add or remove the number of users for each database
  • Ready-to-send monthly automated invoices
  • Supports all default Odoo payment gateways

Why go for Odoo SaaS Kit by Pragmatic?

The Odoo SaaS Kit product offered by Pragmatic is – Odoo SaaS Rocket Kit All in One. It helps you launch and manage Odoo instances with a host of SaaS support modules. It provides all the foundations you need to build a high-performing Odoo SaaS Platform. Companies can add different features or modules to the existing Odoo installation or system just by a few configurations and provide it in a SaaS model/ Odoo SaaS Kit All In One Module to their clients or end-users.

Odoo SaaS Kit Module by Pragmatic helps enterprises leverage the SaaS advantage and strategically place them in the newfound SaaS market. They can resell Odoo to multiple tenants in a subscription model and derive the benefits of its implementation in just a few clicks.

SaaS Kit by Pragmatic has been implemented by customers worldwide. It could be deployed to the cloud in an auto-scaling mode. This way as the load increases, new instances will be launched. The auto-scaling could be done at the Odoo server and the database level. You could scale the system to thousands of users. This is generally suitable for all sorts of business applications.

Advanced Features of Odoo SaaS Kit All In One:

  • Offer Odoo as a Service – With Odoo SaaS Kit, you get a ready-to-use structure to start your own Odoo SaaS service.
  • Subscription Plans (Free Trial) – Currently, the module has monthly and annual subscription plans. The user has the option for a trial run before purchasing the plan.
  • Odoo Instance – With this module, Odoo can be offered as SaaS to the clients mainly in the form of instances.
  • Invoicing – This feature is highly useful in generating automated invoices and sending them to clients.
  • Website Account View – Users can check the subscription details, plan status, and information about all modules in their website account. They can also log in to their Odoo SaaS instance directly from the website account.
  • Domain Masking – Domain masking or URL masking implies the act of hiding the actual domain name of a website from the URL field of a user’s web browser in favor of another name. Pragmatic Techsoft provides a module for Odoo SaaS Kit that helps to sell Odoo modules as services. Every new instance request is accessible using a subdomain of the host company domain URL.
  • Convenient and Easy to UseOdoo SaaS Kit by Pragmatic is tailored to overcome installation and management challenges associated with Odoo SaaS direct implementation.
  • Manage System Users – Pragmatic SaaS Rocket Kit All In One provides you the option to increase/decrease system users in the tenant database.
  • Import Custom Modules – Users can import custom modules directly from the front end without having to log in to the back end.
  • Users Update – Whenever a request for an increase in users is made, an email notification is sent to the user. It includes complete details of the number of users increased, their respective databases, as well as the date and time on which the request was made.
  • Install/uninstall tenant databases – Users can install/uninstall custom modules from tenant databases from the front end itself with a simple interface.
  • One-Time Free Installation – We provide one-time setup installation with the module to help you set up your Odoo SaaS service. The installation allows you to have your Odoo SaaS up and running on one primary server. Customers and clients are managed on the same server. All the instances created with this installation will be present on the same server.
  • Multi-version Support – One of the best features of the product is its multi-version support for Odoo applications. It contributes tremendously towards ease of operation and resolving complexities.
  • Scale as you grow – The architecture can be scaled to any required capacity to suit your needs. You can choose to have multiple servers to provide uninterrupted access to your clients. In other cases, the primary server can be separate from other servers on which instances are created to allow compartmentalization and better control.

Technologies we leverage for Odoo SaaS Kit implementation

Loose coupling with segregation of lookup and transactional database.
Load balancing with Nginx.
Multiple installations based on high availability.
Failover management with database replication.
Database connection pooling for handling simultaneous users.

Pre-requisites for Odoo Implementation

Technology StackDevelopment Tools
Odoo (V14//15)Jira
PostgreSQL (V9.x)pyCharm

Our goal is to empower Odoo functional consultants, developers, and entrepreneurs to democratize the business apps for SMEs. Running Odoo for customers in a SaaS environment is very challenging as it involves knowledge of internal frameworks and server handling.

Something as simple as adding an app or module to your Odoo application can get really tricky, really fast. We’ve learned this the hard way and that’s why we built Odoo SaaS Rocket Kit All In One. It comes with everything out of the box, it’s well designed in accordance with the best practices of Odoo Development.

If you want to build a product on Odoo platform or host Odoo Customers in the SaaS environment, we are here to help you. We assist you to free yourself from the hassle of managing servers and installation nightmares. We give you the handholding you need to launch. This includes a one-time setup, dedicated 90-day support, and professional training for deriving maximum advantage of the Odoo Saas Rocket Kit All In One product.


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