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Maximize your Warehouse Efficiency with Odoo Warehouse Management Apps

Any trading or manufacturing organization who maintain their own warehouse for their day to day products & inventory management needs a Warehouse management software or WMS.

Since manual entries for each inventory may not be possible, the warehouse management module allows manufacturers to automate warehouse and shipping functionality.

This module is created keeping in mind the productivity and quickness in operations for those manufacturers who are handling large number of shipments every day. It decreases your process times, automates all your warehouse transactions, and provides you with complete traceability of all your operations.

Odoo Warehouse module is based on the concept of double entry which has revolutionized accounting also.

Odoo Warehouse module allows you complete traceability of your products from the customer to suppliers. Further advance reporting functionality helps you to ease and check the products in a particular warehouse.

With Automatic logistic rules such as push, pull, make to order, minimum stock rules it further reduce your processing time. You can easily set minimum stock rules which further allow you with automatic procurement’s in a proper quantity computed.

It also has the functionality of handling multiple warehouses in different locations, you can define the input location and output location easily.

Another advantage of Odoo warehouse management is that you get proper insights for quick decision making. WMS module also comes with dashboards which allows you to check inventories level in different warehouses.

The warehouse management module can be integrated with barcode for quick entries of your inventories.


Here are the Top 5 Paid Odoo Warehouse Apps

1. Product/Material Purchase Requisitions by Employees/Users

Main Features:

  • Allow your employees to create purchase requisition.
  • Employees can request multiple material/items on single purchase requisition request.
  • Approval of department head.
  • Approval of purchase requisition head.
  • Email notifications to department manager, requisition manager for approval.
  • Request for purchase requisition will go to stock/warehouse as internal picking / internal order and purchase order.
  • Warehouse can dispatch material to employee location and if material not present then procurement will be created by Odoo standard.
  • Purchase Requisition user can decide whether product requested by employee will come from stock/warehouse directly or it needs to be purchased from vendor.


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2. All in one Cancel Sale, Purchase, Picking


This app will help you to cancel sale order, purchase Order, picking, shipment and invoice after done state in Odoo. It will help to reset stock and stock valuation back in Odoo system


  • Allow user to cancel sale, picking, purchase order into done state in Odoo
  • Added Cancel button option in Picking,Sale, invoice , Purchase order in Odoo
  • Once you cancel picking or sale order, relevant stock move will also canceled and it will do reverse to stock quant and manage stock back into Odoo system
  • After cancel you can also move to order into set to draft and then user can also delete it in Odoo
  • After picking is done and it’s generated accounting entry for stock valuation into accounting then at the time of cancel relevant Journal entries and journal items all will be cancelled, so account also will be settled in Odoo
  • After cancel sale order and picking user can also cancel invoice and set it to draft.
  • While canceling the sale/picking it will also manage stock quantities accordingly.
  • Only allowed user can do cancel process in all documents like sale, purchase, picking in Odoo


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3. Stocks by Locations

Salespersons and warehouse managers mostly work with a single location. Staff from Madrid would hardly make quotations for clients from Berlin. That is why aggregated Odoo stocks levels are awkward to use. Surely, you might push a few buttons, apply groupings and filters to retrieve required product information. However, is it comfortable? Hardly. Moreover, it is confusing since sudden misunderstanding leads to inexecutable promises. So, you need a tool to provide essential inventory data at a glance, but to keep details by locations easy-reach and clear. Here it comes!

User Default Warehouse

The tool makes it possible to link users and warehouses to which they are working (their ‘default warehouse’). Sales order delivery is planned from a warehouse of its salespersons. This warehouse is changed each time as a salesperson is changed.

At a glance on products, users observe only the inventories which are essential for them. So, Odoo stock levels are calculated for your warehouse.


Expandable locations’ hierarchy

For details look at the hierarchy of stocks. On opening, the hierarchy introduces 3 levels. Hence, you retrieve data fast and comfortably.

Locations without products on hand or without products planned are excluded to provide a clearer picture.


Inventory for product variants, templates and sale lines

Users might work both with product variants and product templates. Get an overview of quantity on hand, forecast quantity, incoming and outgoing quantity number per each internal location.

Sales managers might also get an instant outlook of inventory levels right from a sales line in a single click.


Excel table inventories by locations

Export stock levels to an Excel (xlsx) table in a single button click right from a product form.


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4. Stock Inventory Aging Report PDF/Excel

By installing the Odoo app Stock Inventory Aging Report, you will find the below screen to print stock aging report by company, warehouse, location, product category and product with given days.

You can find out – 

  • Aging Quantity with Stock Value
  • Dynamic Inventory Aging
  • Product comes Based on filter Product or Product Category, Location


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5. Transport Management and Delivery Routes

Main Features:

  • Allow you to configure all your transporters.
  • Allow you to configure Transport Location which will be used in Routes.
  • Vehicle information of transporter as master data.
  • Allow you to select transporter on Sales Quote / Order form which will be passed to Delivery Order.
  • Allow you to select Vehicle, Parcels, Route, LR number etc on delivery order form.
  • When Delivery order validate then system will create automatically Transport entry.
  • Odoo Delivery order / picking PDF report show Transport details.
  • Allow you to reschedule anytime on your transport entry
  • Allow you to halt anytime on your transport entry.
  • Reschedule will create new transport entry for related picking/delivery order.
  • Transport Entry and PDF report.


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Here are the Top 5 Free Odoo Warehouse Apps

1. Export Product Stock in Excel

This module helps to print current stock report for all products in each warehouse with XLS. To install this module, you need also the report_xlsx module. You need to set the Timezone in Odoo.


  • Select category for products
  • Get your stock valuation details
  • Negative stock will be highlighted in “red” cells.


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2. Warehouse Restrictions

This module will add warehouse and stock location restriction on users. Install the module normally like other modules. Add Default Warehouse Operations and Allowed Stock Locations and you are ready to go. These restrictions are created using rule and access rights, so it will have no effect on the administrator. After successful installation it will add few fields on User form. Select ‘Restrict stock warehouse’ option for user you want to add restriction.


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3. Stock MTS+MTO Rule

This module adds a Make To Stock + Make to Order Route.

If you choose the make to stock + make to order rule instead of the make to order route, the creation of a purchase order will depend on the virtual stock. There are 3 cases :

  1. The virtual stock of the product is 0
    => It will act exactly like the make to order route.
  2. The virtual stock is equal to the quantity ordered
    => It will act exactly like a make to stock route
  3. The virtual stock is more than 0 but less than ordered quantity
    => On part of the products will be taken from stock and a purchase order
    will be created for the rest. So it will act like both make to order and make to stock rule.


You have to select the mts+mto route on the product form. You should not select both the mts+mto route and the mto route.


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4. Stock – Quant merge

Odoo splits quants each time a reservation is done: this module makes Odoo merge them back if they still meet the following requirements:

  • same product
  • same serial number/lot
  • same location
  • same package


The merge is done automatically when a reservation is undone. No user intervention is needed.


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5. Stock Reservation

This app allows creation of stock reservations on products. Each reservation can have a validity date, once passed, the reservation is automatically lifted. The reserved products are subtracted from the virtual stock. It means that if you reserved a quantity of products which bring the virtual stock below the minimum, the orderpoint will be triggered and new purchase orders will be generated. It also implies that the max may be exceeded if the reservations are canceled.

If ownership of stock is active in the stock settings, you can specify the owner on the reservation.


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These are the top 5 paid and top 5 free Odoo Warehouse apps available on the Odoo App store. You can get in touch with us and we can help you download and setup the app for you. Drop in an email to us at


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