Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Social Networking site with Node.js, Express, HTML5 with Mobile support using JQuery Mobile

Social Networking Site With Node.js, Express And Mongodb

The technology stack that we’ll be using will be node + express + mongoDB all of which are exciting, fast and highly scalable. You’ll also get to use jade and stylus for driving the templated views and styling! We will be using npm to ease the package management and installation issues.
Installation Steps
  • Install mongodb
  • Another way to install mongodb : sudo apt-get install mongodb
  • Install node.js
  • Install npm : curl | sh
  • git clone git:// SocialNetwork
  • CD Social Network
  • npm install
  • Install mailer : npm install mailer
  • node app.js
  • http://localhost:8000/
      Creating your application in node.js
      There is a discrete set of operations (or things we want to achieve) that fall within the scope of this article, they are (in the order that we will tackle them):
      •  Register
      • Login
      •   View Profile and Tweets
      •   view wall post
      • post on wall post
      •   comment on wall post
      • delete wall post
      • view friends
      •   view friend requests
      •   view videos posted
      •   post new videos
      • change profile image
      • view  videos posted by friends
      • share videos posted by friends
      • view friends wallpost
      • share friends wall Post
      • search for the people
      • send friend reguests
      •   view user geoip location
      1. After the user registers with the system he is redirected to the home page.The session information is also maintained for the user.
      2. Click on wall To view your wall Posts. You can post on your wall, comment on the wall and delete the wall post.
      3. Click on the friends tab to view your friends. Click on any friend to view the full profile of your friend along with the his/her geolocation.
      4.  To see the list of videos posted by user click on the linked tilted videos posted. Play the videos and have fun.
      You can also upload your video. This feature truly illustrates how fast a node.js application can be. Browse the video, click on upload button and the video is uploaded for you. You can also change your profile picture.
      5. Click on friends wall to view his/her wall post. You can comment on the friends wall and also share his/her wall post

      6.  View the videos posted by friends by clicking on the videos posted link under friends profile. Play and share the video as you like


      You can also use the application in your mobile browser. The application recognizes your  mobile browser and provides you the appropriate mobile view of the application.
      This application is an effort from pragmatic Techsoft still in the development stage and still many features to add to provide fast, reliable, and highly scalable web application development environment using node.js, express and mongodb.

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