A Comprehensive WebBased Training Management System (TMS) of OpenERP which can be used by Organisations like Training Institutes, Education Institutes, Corporates for effective & efficient management of the Training or Education Services.It would help the Organisations to a large extent in effectively meeting the Training requirements by maintaining every tit bits of activities involved in […]
Read moreJune 7, 2011
Pragmatic was present at the Asia Parners meeting held on June 4th 2011 at Gandhinagar, India office of OpenERP. The meeting was very interesting as we learnt about a number of very interesting services provided by OpenERP. 1. Partners can avail for OpenERP Support. 2. Partners should include OPW as part of the quotations to […]
Read moreJune 6, 2011
A comprehensive web-based Fleet Management System module for OpenERP (FMS) is developed for fulfilling the business management needs of the Fleet & Transport industry. Its well Integrated & Modular architecture makes it apt for effective running of the Fleet & Transport business. OpenERP’s Fleet Management System integrates different functions in a transport company such as […]
Read moreJune 3, 2011
The PragmaticCRM–Skype solution provides a full integration of the widely popular voice application, Skype with PragamticCRM. It would allow the PragamticCRM Users to manage all communication activities & improve the handling & documentation of call – related activities. This enhancement makes PragamticCRM a complete feature rich application which would not only cater to emerging needs […]
Read moreMay 26, 2011
This Project Management module is targeted specifically for the Manufacturing Domain. Its wide array of features is capable of fulfilling the different facets of Project Management activities of the Manufacturing sector. Project Cost Accounting for Resources/Products/Services Screencast Key Features of the Module: Power of assigning Products within Project Management. Keeping track of the Progress of […]
Read moreMay 20, 2011
A comprehensive Hotel Management System that takes care of all functional aspects of all types of hotels. The package will help the Hotel Staff to keep track of every tit bits of the activities performed in the Hotel. Depending on the characteristics of a particular hotel, provision for customization is there to satisfy the specific […]
Read moreMay 20, 2011
Medical is an open source, centralized Health and Hospital Information System that provides the following functionality. A comprehensive Hospital Management System that takes care of all functional aspects of all types of hospital. The package will help the users i.e. Hospital administrators, Doctors & other Staff to keep track of every tit bits of the […]
Read moreMay 18, 2011
The Islamic calendar (Hijra calendar) is a purely lunar calendar. It contains 12 months that are based on the phases and stages of the moon, and because 12 synodic months is only 12 x 29.53059=354.3671 days, the Islamic calendar is consistently shorter than a tropical year, and therefore it shifts with respect to the Christian […]
Read moreMay 14, 2011
Cloud computing is a very effective platform for deploying OpenERP 6. We have deployed OpenERP 6 on Amazon EC2 for our clients. This blog gives an overview on how to set things up. We have got OpenERP working on Amazon EC2 cloud AMI running Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit. 1. Go to http://aws.amazon.com, and select Sign-up […]
Read moreApril 1, 2011
OpenERP Bookkeeping and Accounting Service Our OpenERP Bookkeeping Services are focused at helping our customers with the management, accounting and thereby reducing their finance and accounts operating costs. Pragmatic’s personalized and professional online bookkeeping services cover the entire scope of bookkeeping and customers have the flexibility to choose what they require. We function just as […]
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