Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP 7 integration with Avatax.

                          Pragmatic Techsoft has come up with module to integrate OpenERP and Avatax system for sales tax calculation. This module helps to calculate Sale Tax based on customer address along with handling of Shipping Charges,Avatax Tax Code,Customer Exemption and Invoice or Product Returned.  

1.Customer Address Validation
When user creates new customer he needs to validate his address form Avatax for accurate sale tax calculation. He can also mark customer as exempt.

2.Calculation of Sale Tax

When creating sell order select customer and product and click on calculate button which will calculate sale tax amount for given sell order based on Customer address.

3.Validate Invoice

When we create Invoice from sell order and validate that invoice a record is created in Avatax Admin Console with uncommitted state. Invoice order in Avatax Gives Us Jurisdiction vice Tax distribution.

4.Pay Invoice

When user make payment for OpenERP Invoice state of order at Admin console marked as committed.

5. Returned Invoice

When user return Payment for invoice a new record is created in Avatax Admin Console with doc-type as Return Invoice and Negative amount indicating that invoice amount is returned.

6. Tax Code

User can create there own tax rule/s in Avatax these tax rules are handled from OpenERP . These tax Rule define whether particular product is taxable in particular state/county/city or not . In OpenERP on Product For you can define Tax Code for Products when we send request to Avatax for that product according to customer destination it Returns Tax Amount for that Product.

                    In above case we have assigned Tax Code VAT-2 for Product this VAT-2 Tax code is non Taxable in Customer address so no tax is calculated for this Sell Order
                    Similarly When we create Sell Order for Customer who is exempted from Tax for any Reason in that situation not tax is calculated for that customer Order or Invoice

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