Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Fleet Management System Module for OpenERP (FMS)

A comprehensive web-based Fleet Management System module for OpenERP (FMS) is developed for fulfilling the business management needs of the Fleet & Transport industry. Its well Integrated & Modular architecture makes it apt for effective running of the Fleet & Transport business.

OpenERP’s Fleet Management System integrates different functions in a transport company such as accounts, inventory, payroll, invoicing, insurance, asset management, vehicle maintainence, driver details, etc. Further, the system has a scope for customization according to client specific needs.

Key Features of Fleet Management System (FMS) of OpenERP:

  • Maintainence of Fleet history including all the relevant details of the Fleet like Model No., Engine Volume, Seats, License Plate, Fuel Type, Registration details, etc.
  • Maintains a complete record of the Driver details like Name, Driving License, etc.
  • Maintainence of Insurance Details.
  • CMMS (Computerized Maintainence Mangement System) for recording & analyzing various maintainence activities of the Vehicle.
  • Management of Fleet Maintainence Contracts including the Fleet Maintainence, Quotation, Fleet Maintainence Orders & its Invoicing.
  • Fuel Tracking which would help in monitoring of Fuel consumption.
  • Odometer Statements specific to the vehicles.
  • Configurable Master Data including Vehicles, Service Templates, Service Tasks, Insurances, Fuel Type, Driving Licences, etc.
  • Accounting Module to meet all the financial & billing needs of the company. Its closely integrated with all other modules.
  • Sales Module to manage all the sales transactions of the company.
  • Purchase Module to manage all the purchase transactions of the company.
  • Warehouse Module to manage all the Inventories & Warehouse requirements of the company.
  • Provision to generate the Work Orders for maintainence of the equipments & assigning the Spare parts required.
  • Variety of Customizable Reports like
    • Vehicle Reports.
    • Fuel Consumption Reports.
    • Driver Reports.
    • Fleet Maintainence Reports.
    • Odometer Statement Reports.
    • Financial Statement Reports like P/L(Profit & Loss statement), Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Trial Balance.
    • Invoice Reports. & many more such type of reports.
  • Asset Management Module for managing all the Current & Fixed assets of the Company.


1) Vehicle Record

2) Driver Record

3) Insurance Record

4) Fuel Tracking

5) Work Orders.


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