Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Migration from Salesforce to Odoo CRM

Our Australian customer using Salesforce wanted a better approach to eCommerce, integrated operations management, inventory, CRM, sales, fulfilment, and other key functions. They had implemented Salesforce, but soon found that the software struggled to support their business operations. They were frustrated both with its design and its rigidness. Also it was not integrated with their other software systems. Importing this data into the other IT systems became a unproductive task for them. The team was looking for a solution that could provide them a competitive advantage.

Salesforce had many features which they really did not need. Also customizing Salesforce was difficult. After their experience with the Salesforce software, they were certain that more flexible software with an open source approach would be more suitable for them. They conducted a thorough investigation and weighed all the options, before deciding that Odoo was the right choice for them. The next step was to engage Odoo Expert Pragmatic, to help them proceed with building a complete system.

Pragmatic analyzed their business process and requirements during a week-long workshop. After all the groundwork was completed, the team successfully migrated from Salesforce CRM to Odoo in a matter of few weeks.

The Customer is using their new system for:

  • CRM
  • Accounting
  • Sales
  • Project Management
  • Inventory Management

The transition from Salesforce to Odoo was smooth and speedy, and they managed to finish the scope on schedule and budget. Clearly. Odoo platform turned out to be more intuitive and simple compared to Salesforce CRM. In addition to the CRM they got an integrated system which does Project Management, Inventory control, Billing and Accounting integration with Xero.

The Customer is very happy with their new system, and adding new functionalities in addition to closely mimicking the valuable areas that were set up in the Salesforce software. With Odoo they finally got to a position that allowed them to effectively grow their business, with a system that supports and amplifies their competitive advantage.

Success Points

Mapping to Customers existing business flows with the successful installation of XERO accounting with Odoo integration is completed. Now the customer is able to drive business & the sales cycle from single software.

To know more about the migration process in detail visit, or mail us at


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