Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Odoo 8 – Google Map Features In Odoo Sales Order

In Odoo Google Map integration, not just partner (res.partner) or Order (sales.order) model but any model contains Geo-location fields.



  • Allow user to view all partners addresses on google maps

  • Enable google places autocomplete address form into partner form view. Provide autocomplete feature when you typed an address of partner

  • Routes Information

  • Showing order wise locations and its address

  • Showing count when sales orders in same locations same as partners

  • Full Screen – we can see map in full-screen

Pragmatic Offers you a Odoo 8 – Google Map connector to integrate your business with Google Maps.

How it works

  • On Partner View when you type an address it will auto complete or provide suggest address

Partner View

Google Map

There is a map view added in Odoo with Odoo views like form, tree view when we click on it it will show the all customers on a map.

Sales Order Tree View

On Sales Order View there is a map view button when we click on it it will show all sales orders its address information.

After clicking on map view we can see all orders on a Google map.


Sales Orders With Same Locations Map will Shows Count.



There are different layers like, Traffic, Transit, Bicycle, etc.


1 Comment

  • Appjetty on December 25, 2017

    Thanks for sharing this amazing site with unique multiple 8 features for sales order its really worth useful.

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