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Manage your Customer Relations Efficiently with Odoo CRM Apps

Compared to other CRM applications like SalesForce, Zoho and SugarCRM, Odoo has a lot of unique features. If we consider the case of ‘Salesforce’, Odoo has an advantage of features like Price list, Quotation Templates, eSignature, Online Payment, Invoicing, Customer Portal, Shipper Integration, Leads Tracking, Social Network Integration etc.

If it is in the case of Zoho, the list changes to Pipeline management, Next Action, Multiple companies per contract, Pricelist, Quotation Templates, eSignature, Drag and Drop management etc. Undoubtedly Odoo user interface is the easiest and user-friendly among all these CRM’s.

Here are the Top 5 Paid Odoo CRM Apps

1. CRM Dashboard

This module allows to make it easy for people to know the state of leads, opportunities, quotations, sales orders and invoices for their organization or themselves. This dashboard gives full description about all the users if we logged in as an ADMIN. Other users can see only own CRM dashboard. Using more info, users will get extra features will help us to find My Leads, Create a new lead and Colour setting.

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2. CRM Dynamic Fields

Create custom fields for CRM form in minutes rather than hours, with no development. Protected by security group. So only authorized user can create new field in system.

Key Features –

  • No technical skills required.
  • 12+ Field widgets, i.e. Tags, Checkboxes, Selection, Radio, Time, Image, Email. URL, etc.
  • Apply tracking on field value change
  • Multiple fields type available.
  • Can add tooltip, on field
  • Make field required or allow copy of fields
  • Easy to use


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3. RFQ and Quotation from Opportunity

This module allows you to create Purchase order (RFQ) and Sale Quotation from Opportunity.

Create RFQ and Quotation for selected products in a single click

  • Option to create RFQ and quotation for same lines
  • Choose your products and vendors then click RFQ button


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4. Odoo Untouched CRM Opportunities

Pragmatic has developed a customized module in Odoo to see the untouched CRM opportunities in Odoo notification for the said number of days. The intention to showcase the untouched opportunities is that not a single opportunity will be left whose followup is not taken since long. In the configuration panel, user can set the number of days for which system should show the opportunities whose followup has not done.


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5. Print Opportunity Report

Helps you to print opportunity report in Odoo. Report can be downloaded and printed as PDF.


Here are the Top 5 Free Odoo CRM Apps

1. CRM Custom Fields

Allows users in the ‘Sales / Manager’ group to add additional fields to the partner form. Add new fields without having to add python or edit xml.

Instructions –

  1. Go to any customer record and open the ‘Custom Fields’ tab
  2. Click on the ‘Add Custom Field’ button
  3. Refresh your browser to see the new fields under the Custom Fields tab

Simple / Intuitive field configuration form

Instructions –

  1. Go to any customer record and open the ‘Custom Fields’ tab
  2. Click on the ‘Add Custom Field’ button
  3. Click ‘Add an item’


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2. RMA Claim (Product Return Management)

This module aims to improve the claims by adding a way to manage the product returns. It allows you to create and manage picking from a claim. It also introduces a new object: the claim lines to better handle the problematic one. One Claim can have several lines that concern the return of different products. It’s for every one of them that you’ll be able to check the warranty (still running or not).

It mainly contains the following features: 

  • Product returns (one by one, mass return by invoice)
  • Warranty control & return address (based on invoice date and product form)
  • Product picking in / out
  • Product refund
  • Access to related customer data (orders, invoices, refunds, picking in/out) from a claim
  • Use the OpenERP chatter within team like in opportunity (reply to refer to the team, not a person)

Using this module makes the logistic flow of return this way:

  • Returning product goes into Stock or Supplier location with an incoming shipment (depending on the settings of the supplier info in the product form)
  • You can make a delivery from the RMA to send a new product to the Customer


  • New field priority in claim line
  • Calculate priority of claim line depending on today’s date and claim date
  • Grouping by priority in claim line


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3. Calendar Resources

This module adds new features to facilitate resource management with meetings:

  • To attach resources to a meeting, go to Calendar => Click on a meeting => Edit => Edit => add any related resources.
  • To edit or add a resource, go to Calendar => Resources => Resources.
  • This module can also prevent resources from being double-booked. Go to a resource and disable or enable Allow Double Booking (this is disabled by default). As a note, the same resource in a meeting that ends at 5pm and in a meeting that starts at 5pm on the same day would not not be considered double-booked.
  • You can restrict resources to certain calendar types. In the Resources form view, edit the Event Types field. The resource can then be added to events only of those types.
  • Resources cannot be added to events when they’re not available, either because they’re on leave or because the event time is outside their working time.
  • If you have an event selected as allday, only if there are no working times available on 1 or more of the days in that event will an error be raised. For example, if you set an event to all day on a Saturday and there are no working times at all that Saturday for a particular resource, then an error will be raised. However, if there is at least 1 working time interval for that resource on the Saturday, regardless of how long or short that working time is, the day will be considered covered by that working time. If the event is not allday, any time the resource is not available during the event, regardless of the time of day, will cause an error to be raised.
  • To stop leaves and working time validations on a resource when adding to an event, set the resource’s Working Time field to blank in the resource form view.


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4. CRM Kanban Drag Back Permission

This module restricts some users to drag leads backwards in sales pipeline without permission. Restricts some users to drag leads backwards in sales pipeline. Allows the administrator or head of the team to approve leads.


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5. CRM with Department Categorization

Add the department on Sales Team (with related field on Lead & Opportunities) as well as the related filter and button in the search form.


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These are the top 5 paid and top 5 free Odoo CRM apps available on the Odoo App store. You can get in touch with us and we can help you download and setup the app for you. Drop in an email to us at


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