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Better Manage & Develop your Employees with a Full suite of HR Solutions from Odoo

A Human Resource Management combines numerous functions to ensure an easy management of human resources, business processes, and data. Human Resources Software is used by businesses to combine numerous HR functions, such as storing employee data, employee relations, payroll and benefits, recruitment processes, benefits administration and recordkeeping.

It ensures everyday human resources processes are manageable and easy to access.

Odoo is an open source ERP managing all enterprise needs like human resource management, accounting, customer relationship management, warehouse management, inventory, sales also purchase etc. It serves as a suite of enterprise application enhancing the efficiency of business solutions.

In case you want to enhance your HR module with additional features, you have the option of adding them by the way of Odoo Apps available as Paid as well as Free options.

Top 5 Odoo HR Paid Apps

1. Open HRMS Biometric Device Integration

Automation is an implementation factor for a successful ERP. With this module, HR attendance can automate by integrating Thumb / Face detection device with Odoo. We can configure a user both from thumbing device or Odoo employee form.

Features –

  • Automating HR attendance.
  • Option to configure multiple devices.
  • Option to keep the device attendance log in Odoo.
  • Integrates biometric device(Face+Thumb) with HR attendance.
  • Option to clear the device attendance log from both device and Odoo.


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2. Employee Payroll Statement

Helps you to print monthly employee payroll statement, while printing detailed employee payroll statement with salary rules


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3.Payroll Payment Advice

Odoo app will manage payroll payment advice and send mail notification to bank manager with payslip details. The HR can create a payment advice based on start date and end date with payslip details and also send notification to bank manager with payslip advice pdf report.


  • There are three stages to approve payment advice
  • Confirm >> Approve HR manager >> Finance Manager
  • Print Advice Report

4. Employee Advance Expenses Request

For helping to allow to create advance expenses –

  • Employee expense multiple request.
  • Expense request approved by HR manager.
  • Integrated with expense and accounting entry.
  • Draft-> Waiting for HR manager confirm -> confirm by HR manager->submit.


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5. HR Employee Advance Salary

Companies pay salary in advance on request from employees. The amount paid in advance is recovered in one or more installments. Employee advance salary app makes the whole process easy by automating the advance recovery. This help companies to how they can issue and recover salary advances with Odoo.

Key Features

  • Based on employee’s job position you can limit the amount of advance salary. And according to it employee can submit the advance salary request.
  • The advance salary request will notify by mail to manager.
  • Module allows right to manager, accept or reject particular request with reason.
  • Employee can also make skip installment request for particular month, when he/she don’t want to deduct advance salary installment. Here manager can also accept or reject the request.


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Top 5 Odoo HR Free Apps

1.Open HRMS Core

A simple, easy to use and intuitive tool helping employees and management to perform in full potential, boosting the productivity and overall employee satisfaction. Open HRMS offers a 360 degree overview of employee and their skills.

  • HR Dashboard
  • Salary Advance
  • Interactive Theme
  • HR Multi Company
  • Shift Management
  • Loan Management
  • Employee Reminders
  • Employee Branch Transfer
  • Advanced Employee Master
  • Biometric Device Automation
  • Appraisal Plans & Strategies
  • HR Announcements
  • Employee Insurance
  • Resignation Process
  • Vacation Management
  • Lawsuit Management
  • Appreciations & Memos
  • Entry & Exit Checklist
  • HR Documents Management
  • Custody/Property Management
  • Automation on Leave Request Mails


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2. Biometric Device Integration

Automation is an implementation factor for a successful ERP. Using this module, HR attendance can be automated via integrating Thumb / Face detection device with Odoo. One can configure a user both from thumbing device or Odoo employee form.


  • Integrates biometric device (Face+Thumb) with HR attendance.
  • Option to keep the device attendance log in Odoo.
  • Option to clear the device attendance log from both device and Odoo.
  • Automating HR attendance.
  • Option to configure multiple devices.


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3.HR Dashboard

HR Dashboard is an Odoo addon for HRMS which displays a lot of human resource related details scattered in different menus in a single container. Here the details and the count of data that need approval are shown. So its access is limited to Human resource manager or officers.

  • Approval Menus
  • Leave Details
  • Attendance Details
  • Recruitment details
  • Timesheets
  • Employee Expenses
  • Payroll Month wise analysis
  • Employee wise attendance analysis
  • Total Worked Hours of each employees
  • Employee details as a Table
  • Export to pdf, xls, csv and direct print


  • Export employee details as pdf, xls, csv
  • Export Charts to pdf
  • Approval Menus on single screen


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4. Payroll-Payslip Reporting

This report helps in payroll analysis. It helps you to check your pay slips and sorting it out from different group


Retrieve pivot view of pay slips.

Able to get Reports –

  • Employee wise
  • Employee’s department wise
  • Employee’s job title wise
  • Pay slip’s date wise
  • Pay slip’s status wise
  • Company wise

HR managers need a complete payroll statement and also payroll monthly statement. From this pivot view, they can easily generate the custom payroll report views in excel format. Also, they can download it from there. From Odoo payroll report one can get only individual employee pay slip reports. To make the use of HR payroll management system easier, HR personnel can use this pivot view to get the payroll/pay slip statement.


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5.Employee Documents

Each and every detail associated with an employee is useful for any organization for better human resource management. So the employee documents with such necessary information must be saved and used accordingly. ‘Employee Documents’ is a useful tool that can help you to store and manage the employee related documents like certificates, appraisal reports, passport, license etc. The application also allows you to set an alert message on reaching the expiration/any other related dates of a document (like an expiration of passport)


  • Managing Documents of Employees
  • Documents Types
  • Expiry Date for Documents
  • Validation for Expiry Date
  • Mail Notification Based on Expiry Date


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These are the top 5 paid and top 5 free Odoo Human Resource apps available on the Odoo App store. You can get in touch with us and we can help you download and setup the app for you. Drop in an email to us at


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