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Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP 6.1 Features Part 1 – Mobile Client for iOS iPhone / iPad, Andrioid, Blackberry, Windows Phone

OpenERP has released  a number of very useful features in the new version. We are writing a series of blogs to describe the new features. In this series this is the first blog showcasing the capabilities of the Mobile client. This client runs in the browser and can run on any mobile phone and tablets. This client works on OS, Android, Blackberry, Windows and Symbian platforms. It is built using JQuery Mobile and HTML5.
OpenERP 6.1 Version launches enhanced features of Mobile Client Application. This enables user to access OpenERP data on Smart phone. Currently, data can be accessed in read-only mode. But you can access all you data from the mobile web interface. It is dynamic so you can add new modules on the server and it can quickly be accessed using the mobile interface.


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