Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Odoo Whatsapp Connector

Pragmatic has developed an Odoo module which allows users to use the whatsapp Application to send & receive messages via Odoo. It allows for instant communication & Contacting members/partners directly from the Odoo application itself. We can also share the Sales & Purchase orders via the same application. Let us have a look at how this works inside Odoo.

First we can select any contact to which we need to send the message, now click on the whatsapp icon next to it.

This Opens a wizard which allows us to send whatsapp messages to the contact directly, we can even share attachments using the same provision.

Upon hitting send option we are redirected to a popup containing the whatsapp QR code which we need to authenticate the sender account. Also one authenticated this will work until deactivated from the cell phone.

Another alternative is to simply send the sales order from the record itself. We can open a particular record and use the whatsapp sale order button to send the sales order directly from the record.

This button opens a wizard with the sales report prepopulated along with the sale order message & allows us to send custom messages from it as well.

Using this application with Odoo can really help us speed up & improve the way documents & messages are shared with customers/vendors inside of Odoo.


For more information, you can get in touch with us at +1 713 701 5957 or drop in an email at


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