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Beyonce Adams

What are some advanced techniques for customizing the user interface and functionalities in Odoo modules?

Odoo, the ever-evolving open-source ERP solution, empowers businesses with a robust framework to manage their operations. But what if you crave a more personalized experience, one that perfectly aligns with your unique workflow?  

Odoo’s strength lies in its extensive customization capabilities, allowing you to tailor the user interface (UI) and functionalities to match your specific needs. 

This blog delves into advanced techniques for Odoo module development, transforming Odoo from a powerful tool into an extension of your business vision.


Before diving into advanced customizations, let’s establish a solid foundation. Odoo 17 boasts a revamped UI/UX, prioritizing user experience with a clean layout and intuitive navigation. 

However, you can further enhance this by –

1) Leveraging Themes and Colors : Odoo 17 offers a plethora of built-in themes and color options. Go beyond aesthetics and consider themes that promote user efficiency. For instance, studies suggest cooler color palettes can enhance focus for data-heavy tasks.

2) Strategic Field Placement : Odoo forms are highly customizable. Reorganize fields based on user workflow to minimize scrolling and optimize data entry.


Now, let’s explore the exciting world of advanced customization –

1) QWeb Templates 

Odoo utilizes QWeb templating for UI rendering. By modifying these templates, you can redefine the layout of virtually any Odoo view. Imagine transforming a cluttered product list into a visually appealing grid with detailed product information.

2) XML and Python Development

Odoo leverages XML for data structures and Python for functionalities. With expertise in these areas, you can craft entirely new functionalities or modify existing ones. This empowers you to automate complex tasks or integrate seamlessly with third-party applications.

A Step-by-Step Example –  Customizing the Sales Order View

Let’s illustrate the power of customization with a practical example.  Imagine you want to add a  “Priority” field to the Odoo sales order view. 

Here’s a simplified approach :

  1. Locate the QWeb Template : The sales order view likely utilizes a template named sale_order_form.xml.
  2. Modify the Template : Within this template, locate the section responsible for displaying sales order fields. Here, you would add the necessary code to display a dropdown menu for selecting priorities.
  3. Python Development (Optional) : For advanced logic, Python development might be required. For instance, you could create a rule that automatically assigns a higher priority to orders exceeding a specific amount.

Odoo’s customization capabilities are vast and this blog merely scratches the surface.  

With a combination of Odoo’s built-in features and advanced techniques, you can create a user interface that empowers your team and streamlines operations.  

Stay tuned to our website and blogs for further insights on unlocking the full potential of Odoo 17.

At Pragmatic Techsoft, our team of Odoo experts possesses in-depth knowledge of Odoo 17’s latest features and functionalities. We are veterans in Odoo UI customization, Odoo module development, implementation, migration and support with an extensive experience in odoo of over 16+years! 

We don’t just customize Odoo; we transform it into a strategic advantage for your business.

Contact our team today and let’s discuss how we can tailor Odoo to perfectly match your business needs.


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