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What Strategies Does Odoo 17 Offer to Cut Costs in MRI Machine Production?

odoo new version
Odoo 17 emerges as a game-changer in the world of medical device manufacturing, particularly for MRI machines. With its latest features and enhanced capabilities, this version of the renowned ERP software is set to redefine the dynamics of production efficiency and cost management. 

Think of a manufacturing landscape where complexities are streamlined and cost barriers are significantly lowered. Odoo 17 makes this a reality.It offers a suite of tools specifically designed to tackle the unique challenges in MRI machine production. 

Dive into this blog to discover how Odoo 17 not only simplifies the intricate processes but also drives down costs, enabling manufacturers to stay competitive in an ever-evolving industry. 

Get ready to explore the blend of innovation and practicality that Odoo 17 brings to your manufacturing floor.


odoo new version

1) Streamlined Procurement and Inventory Management
Odoo 17’s procurement module revolutionizes how MRI machine manufacturers approach purchasing and inventory. With consolidated purchasing power, real-time inventory tracking, and optimized stock levels, the platform ensures cost-effective procurement and minimal wastage.

2) Efficient Bill of Materials (BOM) Management
The BOM management module in Odoo 17 enables manufacturers to standardize BOMs, reducing material costs and mitigating the risk of shortages. This module is instrumental in tracking material expenses and improving supplier negotiations.

3) Optimized Production Planning and Scheduling
Odoo 17 excels in refining production schedules and resource allocation, offering real-time visibility and proactive bottleneck elimination. This leads to shorter lead times and reduced downtime, enhancing overall production efficiency.

4) Real-time Quality Control and Traceability
The quality control module in Odoo 17 is pivotal in maintaining high-quality standards for MRI machines. It enables rigorous quality checks and defect tracking, fostering continuous improvement and significant cost reductions in reworks.

5) Data-driven Decision Making
Odoo 17’s reporting and analytics capabilities provide invaluable insights for MRI machine production. Analyzing this data helps in resource optimization and informed decision-making, driving cost savings and efficiency.


Advanced Manufacturing and PLM

Odoo 17 enhances manufacturing workflows and introduces a robust Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) module, streamlining the entire MRI machine production lifecycle, from inception to post-sales support.


1. Optimized Supply Chain Management

Utilizing Odoo 17’s advanced algorithms for supply chain management to reduce operational costs through effective supplier selection and procurement.

2. Energy Efficiency and Waste Reduction

The platform provides tools for monitoring energy consumption and waste production, leading to lower operational costs and enhanced sustainability.

3. Enhanced Automation

Automating repetitive tasks reduces manual labor needs, further cutting down production costs.

As experts in Odoo migration and implementation, Pragmatic Techsoft provides tailored solutions for MRI machine manufacturers, ensuring a seamless transition to Odoo 17’s robust platform.

Our specialized Manufacturing Module enhances Odoo 17’s features with advanced scheduling, material tracking and real-time reporting, driving further efficiencies and cost reductions in MRI machine production.

Stay connected with Pragmatic Techsoft for more insights on leveraging Odoo 17 for medical device manufacturing. 

Our commitment to delivering the latest and most effective solutions in Odoo implementation ensures that our clients stay at the forefront of innovation and efficiency in their production processes.


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