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Beyonce Adams

How Can You Efficiently Set Up Automated Recurring Invoicing in Odoo 17?

A significant part of streamlining operations in businesses lies in the automation of recurring invoicing, a task that, when manual, can be time-consuming and prone to errors. 

Odoo 17, with its robust suite of business applications, emerges as a powerful ally for businesses aiming to automate their recurring invoicing process. 

It not only facilitates seamless invoicing but also ensures timely revenue recognition, thus allowing businesses to focus on strategic growth initiatives. 

Today, we delve into the comprehensive guide on setting up Automated Recurring Invoicing in Odoo 17, a step towards operational excellence.


1) Accessing Invoicing Module

Navigate to the Invoicing module from your Odoo dashboard.

This module houses various options to manage and streamline your invoicing processes.

2) Creating Recurring Invoice Templates

Under the Customers menu, go to Subscriptions to create or edit existing templates.

Specify the invoicing frequency (monthly, quarterly, or annually), invoicing period, and due date.

3) Defining Invoicing Parameters

Select the customer and add products or services to the invoice, akin to how you would for a regular invoice.

Set the due date which indicates the date by which the customer needs to settle the invoice.

4) Activating and Monitoring Recurring Invoices

Activate your recurring invoices, which Odoo will automatically generate based on the specified frequency.

Monitor, modify or cancel recurring invoices under the Subscriptions menu as per your business needs.

5) Customization (For Advanced Users) 

Delve into Odoo’s Python API to create custom invoicing rules or to integrate with other business processes for more complex recurring invoicing setups.

Example : Consider a scenario where you offer a monthly software maintenance service. 

  • Create a recurring invoice template specifying a monthly recurrence frequency and set a due date of 15 days post-invoice generation. 

Odoo 17 will automate the invoice generation on the first of each month, emailing it to the customer while storing a copy in Odoo.


  1. Increased Efficiency : Automation speeds up the invoicing process, freeing up essential time and resources.
  2. Reduced Errors : Eliminate common manual invoicing errors such as typos and miscalculations, ensuring accuracy.
  3. Improved Cash Flow : Timely invoicing leads to timely payments, enhancing your cash flow
  4. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction : Regular, timely invoices elevate the customer experience, promoting satisfaction and trust.

Automated Recurring Invoicing in Odoo 17 is more than a feature; it’s a significant stride towards operational efficiency, error reduction and improved cash flow. 

Transitioning to newer Odoo versions is a breeze with Pragmatic Techsoft. 

Our seasoned team, well-versed with Odoo intricacies, ensures a smooth migration process, enabling you to harness the full potential of Odoo 17’s features, including automated recurring invoicing.

Stay tuned to our website and blogs for more in-depth insights and guides on leveraging the myriad capabilities of Odoo 17, brought to you by the experts at Pragmatic Techsoft.


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