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Top 10 Paid Odoo eCommerce Apps on Odoo App Store to Enhance your eCommerce Store

Do you dream of a perfect ecommerce store which is robust, has a sophisticated design and runs smoothly? Online store owners are always on the lookout for modules that can integrate easily with their ERP and Customer Management systems.

Odoo Ecommerce is a very popular framework as it can be easily integrated with other Odoo business apps. And due to the extraordinary conveniences and features it offers, it has witnessed a noteworthy growth worldwide over the last 5 years of time.

If you have an Odoo store, there is some good news for you and your customers! Pragmatic had listed the top sold apps on Odoo. These apps will help the online store owners to take care of different sales processes including inquiries, invoices, delivery as well as sales and marketing.

Here is a brief description of the top 10 Odoo eCommerce Apps –


1. Real Multi Website

It helps you set up multi-websites, multi-theme, multi-eCommerce, multi-Company on a single database.

Key Features:

  • Multiple websites in a single database
  • Easy to add new websites
  • Easy to create website menus
  • Use different design (themes) per each website
  • Multi-eCommerce
  • Multi-payment (different payment methods per each company)
  • Compatible with multi-company
  • Use any domains for websites (not only subdomains)
  • All features of Email Addresses and Templates per Website module

The module allows to set up multiple websites on a single database and handles requests in a different company context. It is especially useful for eCommerce to make orders for different companies. Odoo has been designed to switch website by host name, but this feature is not completed and not supported. This module fills the gap.


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2. Clear Cart Button

This app just clears the cart – See screenshots




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3. Website Sale Search Clear

The purpose of the module:

– Product search is made to be global to all products no matter what category the person is in at the time.
– Clear the search if the person clicks on any category link so the results are not filtered anymore.



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4. Real Multi Website (eCommerce extension)

Key features:

All the features of Real Multi Website module

  • Each eCommerce has configurable list of product categories
  • eCommerce carts are separate per each company to avoid accounting problems
  • The same product can be available on several websites (shops)


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5. Quick add items to shopping cart

Less clicks for customers to buy your products
A product is added to cart just right after a customer clicks plus button. Customer see current count of product at products list.



For products with variants default behaviour is kept, i.e. number means count of products to add after clicking “Add to cart”.



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6. Website Checkout Comment

Customer comment on checkout. Your customers can comment their orders on checkout process.



Comment on sale order. You can see the customer comment on sale order form.



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7. Mollie Payment Acquirer

Now you can integrate Mollie Payment Gateway in Odoo in very easy steps. Mollie accepts following payment options:

  • Credit Card
  • SOFORT Banking
  • iDEAL
  • Bancontact/Mister Cash
  • Bank transfer
  • Belfius Direct Net
  • PayPal
  • Bitcoin
  • paysafecard

Add API Key in settings section

Install this module. Go to settings section -> Payments -> Payment Acquirers -> Mollie and Add API Key from your Mollie Account.


Check Mollie option at the time of checkout

If configuration is done proper, you can see Mollie payment option at the time of checkout.


Check all payment methods supported by Mollie

Once Mollie payment option is selected It will redirect the user to all payment methods supported by Mollie. That’s it. Order is confirmed. Too Easy!!


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8. Pickup and Pay at Store

Simplify checkout process by excluding shipping and\or payment information. On checkout step customer selects the shipping and billing variant. If chosen variant doesn’t require “payment”, the payment step will be skipped. All variants and the corresponding fillable fields are introduced below. Administrator may configure any of these options that need to be used.



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9. Website Category Page

Are you running the store with a large catalog of products? Wanna bring store usability to new high level? This module is useful to show category page for shop. It provides easy catalog images to make the display of categories list more presentable.

Grab users attention on your store page, providing them with the immediate loadable categories listing. The default Odoo category bar in shop doesn’t provide a user-friendly way to browse catalogs. Our extension allows you to use better navigation displaying all categories list on the category page. Our module also useful to show category name heading in category page.


  • Easy to use.
  • Shop Category page.
  • Easy for customers to navigate different category.
  • 3 Attractive Shop Category Designs.
  • 3 Attractive Category Heading Designs.
  • Customers are sure they find the right component.
  • Display categories as links and improve SEO.


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10. Amazon Odoo Connector

Grow your Amazon Business & Increase back-office efficiency by integrating Amazon and Odoo. Amazon is expanding worldwide and along with Amazon, your business has the potential to grow globally. With this new opportunity, you face a new challenge – Growth Management. As you increase your global reach, you start realizing that you can no longer rely on Amazon Seller Central account for managing all your day-to-day operations. Amazon Odoo Connector offers a complete solution for Amazon Sellers to focus on selling while leaving all their back-end operations worries to the powerful & flexible ERP system, Odoo.

Amazon Odoo Connector is available as ‘In-App Purchase’ for a recurring fee and not as a one-off purchase.

Highlights –

  • Order Processing & Fulfillment
  • Stock Synchronization
  • Catalog Management
  • Settlement Report Processing
  • Order Cancellation
  • Invoicing & Refunds
  • Inbound Shipments
  • FBA Stock Adjustment
  • Removal Order Processing
  • Multi-Channel Fulfillment
  • Seamless Automation
  • Multiple Seller Accounts


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These are the top 10 Odoo eCommerce paid apps available for free on the Odoo App store. You can get in touch with us and we can help you download and setup the app for you. Drop in an email to us at


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