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Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP -DVLA Integration

Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) functionality Mapped in OPENERP

Ø   In OpenERP we have developed a functionality where by just entering registration number you can auto fill rest of the details like Make, Model, engine & fuel information of vehicle 
Ø  For this we have used library file of core Python listed below:
1.      URLlib2
2.      xml.dom.minidom
3.      parseString 

Ø  By use of above library file and using XML tag that is dom.getElementsByTagName we can easily have values from XML file and can be passed to OpenERP database for having information like:

1.      Fuel information
2.     Make
3.      Model
4.      Engine
5.      Door Plan 

We can get all this information from a single unique number from DVLA that is Car Registration number. 

Ø       Here is below a screen short of Data that have been fetched from xml file generated from DVLA URL 


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