Pragmatic – Leading provider of open source business applications OpenERP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Talend, jaspersoft  – Pragmatic
Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP – XERO Accounting Integration

Business organisations uses different software specific to different department activities eg : XERO Accounting system is used to keep online records of Invoices and its payment.

Pragmatic Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. developed new module to sync. Invoices and payments between Odoo openERP and XERO Accounting system. This synchronisation can be triggered on scheduled frequency. This modules keeps validation on the accounts to be hit for Income/ Sales Account also for Payments. Similarly, Invoices gets reconciled against payments imported from XERO.

Following is a process for synchronisation :
1) Invoice creation in OpenERP
2)Exporting open invoices to XERO accounting
3)Listing of Invoice & accepting payment in XERO
4)Importing of paid invoices in OpenERP
5)Auto reconciliation of invoice and payments in OpenERP

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